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*reference to drama script

The dishes were undoubtedly delicious, but having to eat every single grain of rice left her feeling satiated to the point that even the most exquisite delicacies became hard to swallow. Despite managing to finish her meal and securing the right to eat the next day, she was still subjected to a mocking glance from Second Young Master Xiao, who casually remarked, "Indeed, twice a person's limit."

Had he not been the one who brought up the idea of not wasting food, she wouldn't have become such a "food tank" in front of everyone. The other patrons in the restaurant were giving her odd looks, and He lisa couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

This, really, she can't walk anymore because of being too full.

The soft and cozy sensation beneath her made He lisa couldn't help but roll around on the mattress. This was why they said having money was good. Even when you were traveling, you could enjoy such luxury. Xiao Jungkook's room was right next door, and she pressed her ear against the wall, trying to eavesdrop on what he was doing. She wondered if the room walls were too thick, or perhaps there was nothing to hear at all.

As she continued to listen, He lisa eventually fell asleep.

After a day of traveling, followed by a hearty meal, and with such a comfortable bed, it was hard not to fall asleep. When she woke up, the sun had completely set, and the moon was out. She opened the window, and lanterns were already lit downstairs. Not far away, there was the sound of songstresses singing in a restaurant.

After a moment, a voice from inside said, "Come in."

He lisa walked in, and the room was lit with a lamp. Fei Nu was standing by the door, while Xiao Jungkook sat at the table, engrossed in reading a book.

Could he not feel tired? She never saw him work this hard when they were back at Xianchang Academy. Now, he seemed to be quite diligent. He lisa felt a sense of guilt, realizing that learning truly had no limits. She stretched her neck to catch a glimpse of what book he was reading, but he closed the book, so she couldn't see anything.

He lisa asked, "Commander, what are you doing tonight?"


"Are you not going out?"

"What are you trying to say?"

"I was just thinking," He lisa smiled, "if you have nothing to do, I'd like to go out for a walk. It's my first time in Liangzhou City, and I want to explore the surroundings and maybe find some interesting trinkets. And, if I find something suitable, I might buy it and bring it back as a gift for my fiancée."

Xiao Jungkook didn't seem particularly interested in her plans. He said, "Do as you wish."

She practically skipped out of the room. Once she left, Xiao Jungkook said to Fei Nu, "Fei Nu."

The guard understood his intention and replied, "Young Master, I'll follow him discreetly."

"Don't get too close," Xiao Jungkook cautioned, "and be careful not to be discovered."



Yuan Baozhen hadn't reached Liangzhou yet. For the next few days, they would be staying at inns. Since they hadn't informed the magistrate of their early arrival, Xiao Jungkook probably had other matters to attend to in addition to tuning his zither. He lisa didn't intend to tag along; at least for now, Xiao Jungkook had shown no signs of trusting her. There was no need for her to seek his company when he was engrossed in reading at the inn. She wanted to avoid reminding herself of the terrifying memories of studying at Xianchang Academy.

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