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105: Hot Springs

The once orderly training ground turned chaotic because of the appearance of Song Rose and Cheng Jimin. He Lisa, feeling overwhelmed, had to persuade Song Rose and Cheng Jimin to leave amidst the watchful eyes of Liang Ping. The two of them eventually departed, leaving her alone to face the diverse gazes of the onlookers.

He Lisa nodded.

Hong Mingyu looked at her with a mix of complexity and admiration. He said, "Ah He, I underestimated you."

But clearly, Hong Mingyu wasn't the only one with such thoughts. After the training session, the soldiers immediately surrounded her, bombarding her with questions about her relationship with Song Rose. One of them sarcastically said, "Congratulations in advance to Young Master He. It seems like it won't be long before you become Lord Song's son-in-law. When are you treating us to wedding candy?"

He Lisa: "Stop making baseless accusations! A girl's reputation can be tarnished by your words alone!"

"What's the matter with him?" The person asked without much concern. "I think Miss Song seems quite satisfied with you."

hyunjin walked past from the other side, casting a sharp and resentful glance at He Lisa. It was as if he wished to tear a piece of flesh from her. He grunted and walked away. He Lisa was momentarily stunned and instinctively asked, "What's going on with Brother hyun? Did I offend him somehow?"

san sneered, "You made your brother wear a green hat and humiliated them. Do you expect Brother hyun to be friendly? Be more careful!"

He Lisa: "...."

Speaking of which, hyunjin's fiancée had eloped with another man, a situation that he despised more than anything. He probably saw Cheng Jimin and thought of himself and He Lisa as the scoundrel who stole his fiancee.

Before she could finish her sentence, someone called her name from the other side, "He Lisa! Little He!"

"The instructor is calling me," He Lisa said, "I'll head first."

The person who called He Lisa was one of the three instructors who had competed with her in equestrian archery earlier. He was an old man named Ma Damei. He kindly waved at her and said, "Little He, I heard you got injured when you went to Liangzhou City with the Commander?"

"It's just a minor injury," He Lisa replied with a smile.

"You can't take it lightly. You're still young, and if you leave behind any health problems, it won't be good," Ma Damei advised warmly. "Go have your meal first, and then come find me here afterward."

He Lisa asked, "Instructor, is there something specific you want to discuss?"

Unable to imagine what was going on, He Lisa first went to have her meal. The soldier who served her had received orders from Shen Han, knowing that He Lisa was injured, so he gave her an extra steamed bun. After quickly finishing her meal, He Lisa followed what Ma Damei had said and went to the training area.

The weather was turning cooler as autumn approached, and it was already getting dark early. When she arrived at the training ground, she saw more than a dozen people standing there, all of them instructors from the Liangzhou Garrison. Ma Damei waved at her. "Hey... Little He, over here!"

He Lisa walked over, and Du Mao and Liang Ping were already there. Liang Ping looked at her and asked in surprise, "Why did you bring him?"

"I heard from the Chief Instructor that Little He got injured, so it's better to bring him along. Liang Ping, don't be so petty." Ma Damei leaned closer to Liang Ping and whispered, "I heard the Chief Instructor is taking good care of this kid. He might get promoted faster than you and me. Curry favor now; there might be benefits in the future."

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