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150: Jiyang Army

Early the next morning, He Lisa and Xiao Jungkook had their breakfast and went to Jiyang's training ground to inspect the city's army. Lin Taehyung did not accompany them and rested in the Cui mansion. Liu Buwang, on the other hand, continued to search for the whereabouts of the Wutuo people, leaving the house at the same time as He Lisa's group.

Jiyang City had numerous rivers, and the city was built along the waterways, dividing the flat land into various sections. Therefore, finding large open spaces within the city was not easy. The training ground was located relatively close to the royal palace because it was the only place with a large open area.

When He Lisa and Xiao Jungkook arrived, they encountered Cui Yuezhi. Cui Yuezhi saw them and politely bowed, saying, "Commander Xiao."

Seemingly aware of He Lisa's surprise, Cui Yuezhi smiled and patted Xiao Jungkook's shoulder, "In fact, I began to suspect the second day since you arrived in Jiyang. Even my concubine noticed that your appearance bears no resemblance to my Cui family. How could you possibly be my elder brother's son? Later, when Her Highness brought you into the palace and summoned you, I assumed that she already knew your identity. If Her Highness intended for it, I had no choice but to play the fool and avoid discussing it."

This Cui Yuezhi was quite intelligent.

He chuckled twice, and his simple and honest face concealed a hint of shrewdness. "If Her Highness thinks I'm a fool, then I'm a fool. Being a fool isn't all that bad."

He Lisa understood that Cui Yuezhi's role as the perfect "fool" was why he had become one of Mu Hongjin's most trusted confidants. It wasn't just because of his formidable combat skills or his past friendship with Mu Hongjin from their youth. It was because of his well-calibrated act of "playing the fool."

With such a loyal and wise subordinate, it was only natural that he would be trusted and valued.

He was a person with significant worldly wisdom.

Cui Yuezhi then turned to Xiao Jungkook and said, "Her Highness informed me that from today, all of Jiyang City's troops will be under Commander Xiao's command. Her Highness has already told me about the Wutuo people. I will fully cooperate with Commander Xiao, and Jiyang City's residents will depend on Commander Xiao's protection."

"Has Her Highness already started evacuating the city's residents?" He Lisa inquired.

"Today is the first day, but..." Cui Yuezhi sighed. "It's not an easy task."

City residents, accustomed to living here in peace, would naturally panic upon receiving news of danger in Jiyang. Especially the young ones would be more willing to leave, but those who were sick, elderly, and had no one to care for them couldn't just leave. There were also those with businesses and shops who couldn't easily abandon everything they had.

"However," Cui Yuezhi perked up, "I've heard of General Fengyun's battlefield prowess, always emerging victorious. I've been wanting to meet him for a long time. I didn't expect Commander Xiao to be even younger than I imagined, and so handsome," he said, half enviously and half admiringly. "How can there be someone so favored by the heavens in this world?"

He Lisa: "..."

Dealing with such favoritism, ordinary people might not be able to handle it.

As they continued talking, they arrived at the edge of the training ground. Jiyang City's troops hadn't been in active combat for years, so the soldiers wore cloth armor instead of metal, which was blue in color. They all carried long spears, and their physical appearances appeared strong and robust. However, He Lisa could immediately tell that their battle formation lacked the necessary killing power. They seemed more like a decorative formation, an outdated one at that.

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