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"Feel free to try."

After a while, He lisa suddenly snapped out of it and shouted loudly, "Uncle!"

Is this guy her uncle? Sun Ling assessed the young man in front of him. Seeing his handsome appearance and elegant demeanor, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. With a large birthmark on his face, he knew he was ugly, and he despised good-looking people even more. He had countless concubines at home and often defiled innocent women outside, not just because of lust, but also because he couldn't stand seeing others possess what he didn't have. He wanted to destroy what he couldn't have.

"Uncle!" He lisa jumped up and ran behind Xiao Jungkook in a flash, revealing only her head as she pointed shiveringly at Sun Ling. "This person, he bullied me!"

She cried out in a tone of innocence, as if a child who had been bullied outside and had returned home to complain to her elders. Fei Nu, who was standing nearby, was speechless at the sight.

Xiao Jungkook's body also stiffened. He endured his disgust and ignored the person tugging at his clothes from behind, focusing only on Sun Ling. "Is it you?"

Sun Ling's heart skipped a beat.

He composed himself and looked at Xiao Jungkook, asking coldly, "It's me. And who are you?"

"Xiao Jungkook."

Xiao Jungkook? Sun Ling was skeptical. He hadn't seen Xiao Jungkook before. More than half a year ago, he heard that Xiao Jungkook brought new troops to Liangzhou to station at Liangzhou, but he hadn't visited Liangzhou City much, let alone Sun's house. Sun Ling had heard of Xiao Jungkook's name, the renowned Youthful Killer General of Da Wei, known for his handsome appearance. The man before him was indeed handsome, but aside from that, how could he prove that he was Xiao Jungkook? Moreover... the Right Army Commander only had one guard with him when he went out? As the son of a county magistrate, Sun Ling always had a large entourage with him. What was going on with this nephew? Regardless, these people in front of him all seemed strange.

The servant shook his head, saying, "No."

Upon hearing this, Sun Ling became even more suspicious. However, he was cunning by nature and didn't want to jump to conclusions easily. So he looked at Xiao Jue with a sneer and said, "Since you claim to be Xiao Jue, do you have a jade plate as proof of your identity?"

Xiao Jungkook: "I don't."

"No jade plate?" Sun Ling became even more certain that these people were impostors. He thought about how he had almost been frightened by impostors just now, which made him angry. He looked at Xiao Jungkook and shouted, "I don't care who you are, but you dared to privately abduct an official's family member. This is a capital crime. Guards, arrest them!"

"What official's family member?" He lisa popped her head out from behind Xiao Jungkook and shouted loudly, "That's my personal servant! If you claim they're your official wife, please provide evidence! Where's her identification? You don't even have an identification, yet you're arbitrarily arresting people. Is there no law left?"

"Law?" Sun Ling sneered, "In Liangzhou, my Sun family is the law! Get them!"

He lisa, now playing the role of Cheng jimin, had no intention of getting involved physically. She screamed loudly, "Murder! The soldiers are killing people!"

The inn was full of other guests, and chaos erupted upon hearing her words. Even the dogs in the street started barking.

Xiao Jungkook said, "Fei Nu."

The black-clad bodyguard immediately stood in front of Xiao Jungkook. He lisa took the opportunity to get a good look. She didn't know if Fei Nu was part of the Nine Banner Battalion, but judging by his skills, he was on par with her former self in her previous life. If the Nine Banner Battalion had this level of talent, He lisa, as the young miss, was probably not qualified.

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