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240: Disconnect

The case of General Feihong caused an uproar throughout the city of Shuojing. The soldiers and civilians who had been favored by General Feihong spontaneously went to the palace to beat the drum and petition, asking for a thorough investigation of the truth. General Feihong had a good reputation among the sergeants. As soon as the truth came out, Hexu's second family could be regarded as guilty of public anger.

Emperor Wen Xuan handed this case to Dali Temple, and within a few days, He Yuanliang couldn't bear to force a confession and tell the truth about it. The officers and soldiers in the He family also found many evidences of He Rufei's relationship with the Utuo people. After this case, the He family deceived the emperor, pretended to receive meritorious services, collaborating with the enemy and treason, and punished several crimes together, except for General Feihong's sister-in-law He. Out of the shadow of the heart, there are countless deaths. The main culprit, He Rufei, was extremely sinful, and he co-ordinated Ling Chi and escorted him to the city where he was executed at 120 dollars.

As for the Hanlin bachelor's Xu family, except for Xu Hanbin's death, all the males were exiled, and the female relatives were not slaves.

The case was resolved quickly. Upon learning of the result, the people all clapped their hands and cheered, accusing the two families of Hexu that they deserved it.

On the day before his execution, in prison, Xu Hanbin looked at the rotten food in front of him, and he stubbornly refused to move his chopsticks.

On the last meal on Huangquan Road, the other condemned prisoners had wine and food, but he had nothing. It was because even the jailers felt that Xu Hanbin's actions were too cruel and ruthless. There were many people who received the favor of General Feihong, and now even for the dead General He, there are many people who don't let Xu Hanbin get better.

The jailer laughed at him and said: "Why doesn't Uncle Xu eat? After today, I won't have to eat anymore. I advise Uncle Xu to not pick and choose."

Hearing this, Xu Hanbin got excited, rushed to the cell door, grabbed the railing of the cell door, and looked at the jailer outside: "No...I won't die! I'll give you money, and you will find someone for me. Tell them to rescue me! I will give you money!"

"Okay," the jailer looked at him with a grin, "Who does Uncle Xu want the younger one to look for?"

Who are you looking for?

Xu Hanbin was stunned suddenly.

The He family has fallen along with him, and He is hard to protect himself if he is not. The colleague he had made with their family in the past would have long since been shunned, for fear of causing trouble to his upper body. No one can save him.

Xu Hanbin collapsed weakly to the ground. In despair, he felt unwilling and murmured: "Why? Obviously I was not the one who killed... Obviously I didn't do anything!"

"Did you really do nothing?" A voice rang out from the darkness, and Xu Hanbin suddenly raised his eyes, and saw someone slowly appear in front of him, his whole body gathered up and down under the black cloak. He was overjoyed at first, thinking that someone had come to save himself, but the next moment, the surprise turned into fear, because the man took off the cap of the cloak and revealed a face.

It is Wu'an Hou He Lisa.

Xu Hanbin was taken aback, and quickly backed away until he reached the root of the wall, and said vigilantly: "Don't come over...Don't come over!"

The jailer has already left. He Lisa looked at the embarrassed man. Xu Hanbin looked like he was afraid of her, staring at her as if he was looking at a ghost crawling out of hell, full of horror.

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