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Near the training grounds of the Liangzhou Garrison, Zheng Xuan and two new recruits stood. When Xiao Jungkook approached, Shen Han quickly stepped forward and greeted, "Commander."

"Liang Ping is overseeing it."

Shen Han breathed a sigh of relief. If He lisa, who was already under suspicion, had suddenly gone missing, it might have been intentional. Suspicious individuals are often safer when they are closely monitored.

But now that she had been found, it was time to address another matter.

"According to Zheng Xuan, He lisa went over the mountains on her own, while Shen Hong claims she went to save Zheng Xuan. What does the Commander think?" Shen Han asked.

"Zheng Xuan is lying," Xiao Jungkook stated.

Shen Han was taken aback. "There are horse tracks along the mountain path, and I also found signs of a wolf cub being crushed." Xiao Jungkook continued, "He lisa did indeed go to save someone."

Shen Han's expression turned somber. "So, in that case, Zheng Xuan's group is acting unethically." Soldiers like that, no matter how skilled, could potentially switch sides on the battlefield. Soldiers might fall to enemy blades, but they shouldn't fall to the hidden arrows of their comrades.

"No," Xiao Jungkook's voice remained cold. "She killed a wolf barehanded in the pit on the mountain. This person shouldn't be underestimated," he raised an eyebrow, "there may be secrets hidden within her."

Shen Han dared not say more. Though the Liangzhou Garrison was far from the capital, in the current complex situation, no one could afford to be complacent.

Shen Han glanced at Zheng Xuan's group, sitting far away. Their expressions revealed anxiety as they frequently glanced in this direction. While Zheng Xuan tried to appear calm, he didn't realize his lies had already been exposed.

"Leaving marching ranks, rush to the front and fall behind, wagging their tongues, indulging in slander and falsehoods," Xiao Jungkook's demeanor remained unchanged, his voice calm. "For the crime of slandering the army, they shall be executed."

Shen Han's heart trembled, and he lowered his head. "Yes!"


When He lisa woke up on the second day, the sun had already risen quite high, and there was no one in the room. She sat up and gazed at the sunlight streaming in through the window.

Someone pushed the door open and walked in. He lisa looked up and saw the same female physician from yesterday, Shen Muxue. He lisa asked in surprise, "Miss Shen?"

"Here's today's herbal soup for you to drink," Shen Muxue placed the herbal bowl on the small table in He lisa's room. "Yesterday, the Commander already gave you medicine for your external injuries. You should change it every three hours."

"I already told Instructor Liang that your body needs rest. It's not suitable for you to practice at the training ground today," Shen Muxue replied.

He lisa nodded in acknowledgment. She looked at Shen Muxue again, who seemed to be around sixteen or seventeen years old. Her skin was as delicate as jade, exceptionally beautiful, and what stood out the most was her tranquil and serene demeanor that radiated from within. It made people feel comfortable in their hearts. Perhaps feeling a bit uncomfortable under He lisa's gaze, Shen Muxue slightly furrowed her brows, "Is there something wrong, young sir?"

"Nothing," He lisa said, "I just feel like I've seen Miss Shen somewhere before."

Shen Muxue was momentarily taken aback, then shook her head with a smile. "I've never met young sir before. You must have remembered wrongly."

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