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156: The Arrival of the Wind

The sounds of killing resounded on the Grand Canal as ships collided with each other.

The Wutuo people were like vicious wolves, fiercely surrounding the Jiyang army. They had a large number of people, and there were archers prepared on the ships. Arrows flew like meteors, instantly turning the Jiyang army's small boats into sieves, preventing them from continuing to sail. Although the Jiyang soldiers who fell into the water could swim, they couldn't exert their full strength in the water. The Wutuo people had also prepared many iron forks, tools that resembled those used by fishermen to catch fish, but with sharp and pointed tips. They thrust them down towards the fallen Jiyang soldiers.

The waters of the Grand Canal quickly turned red with blood.

A young Jiyang soldier dodged the arrows shot from the Wutuo ships and jumped into the water. Dozens of Wutuo people laughed heartily and threw their iron forks at him. The Wutuo people were already strong, and the young man was only about sixteen or seventeen years old. He couldn't evade them and was pierced in the arm. Subsequently, a series of iron forks came at him from all sides, piercing his body through and through.

The iron forks were quickly withdrawn, leaving a bloody cavity in front of him. He struggled for a moment and then sank below the surface, leaving only a continuous flow of blood, evidence of his past existence.

The deputy soldier turned to look and shouted to the young man who was fighting in the midst of the chaos, "Commander, it's no good, there are too many of them!"

There were too many of them.

Two fists couldn't fight four hands, and the few couldn't contend with the many. This was not like the days of Guocheng, and the only tactic that could turn the tide was a fire attack, but they lacked the necessary east wind.

"It's not impossible," Xiao Jungkook held his long sword and his gaze was as sharp as a blade. He said coldly, "Fight!"

As the leader, he had been entangled in the melee all along. Maka was not a fool, and though he was arrogant, he had heard of Xiao Jungkook's reputation. Earlier, using the Western Qiang people as bait and attempting to launch a surprise attack on Liangzhou's defense was thwarted by Xiao Jungkook's sudden return. Maka vividly remembered that the Western Qiang leader, Ridamuzi, was incredibly strong and fierce, but in the end, he died at the hands of Xiao Jungkook.

Maka wanted to win, to capture Jiyang City and gain favor with the King, but he didn't want to lose his life for nothing. He pushed backward while shouting loudly to the Wutuo soldiers at his side, "The King said that whoever takes Xiao Huaijin's head will be the greatest hero of this battle and receive a noble title!"

"Brave warriors, kill him!"

Incentives for achievements were always useful in times like this. The Wutuo soldiers, upon hearing this, were filled with enthusiasm and rushed towards Xiao Jungkook in waves.

When He Lisa's boat approached, this was the scene she witnessed.

The young commander's cloak left dark traces on the water's surface as he moved, and his long sword was as cold as ice, making his handsome face seem like that of a ferocious deity. As the waves of enemies kept surging, he was already surrounded by a pile of bodies. The young man showed no signs of fatigue, remaining as valiant as ever.

"This can't go on," He Lisa frowned. There were too many Wutuo people, and while Xiao Jungkook could handle one or ten, what about a thousand? Ten thousand? A hundred thousand? He could certainly fight his way out of the encirclement, but as long as the Wutuo people hadn't landed, he would be forever standing in front of the common people. The remaining Jiyang City soldiers were insufficient to coordinate effectively with him.

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