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Sobbing and wiping his tears with the back of his hand, Young Master Zhao cursed under his breath as he dismounted, almost stumbling in the process.

With a kick, Young Master Zhao lashed out, saying, "Do I look alright to you?"

"I was really scared just now," He lisa said, "It's all my fault. If I hadn't insisted on racing with you, you wouldn't have been frightened." She was full of remorse and sincerely apologized, "I hope you won't hold it against me, Young Master."

Hold it against her? How could he hold anything against his savior? What could he possibly hold against her? Young Master Zhao managed a forced smile, suppressing his frustration, but as he looked at the culprit, who was still grazing grass with its head down, his anger surged again. He waved his hand angrily, "This conniving beast almost caused this Young Master harm! Drag him out and cut him down! I want to chop him into pieces and make him into horse jerky!"

Seeing this, the furrow on He Yuta's forehead deepened, and He lisa's smile turned cold.

Horses, to a military general, were not just mere mounts but also comrades-in-arms, fighting side by side through life and death. They couldn't speak, but they carried soldiers into battle. They couldn't communicate verbally, but they mourned with sorrowful neighs when their masters died and even starved themselves in grief.

They were loyal to their masters, just as their masters cherished them.

Young masters from wealthy regions, who had never experienced the cruelty of the battlefield, could never understand the comradeship between man and warhorse. Even among humans, they were distinguished by rank, so what was a mere animal worth to him? If it was just an animal, then there was no need for hesitation; if it deserved to die, then just kill it, why bother considering anything else?

"It's my horse," Young Master Zhao sneered, feeling vexed with no outlet for his anger, and now He Sui appeared out of nowhere. He laughed maliciously, "I can do whatever I want, can't I?" He drew a dagger from his waist, gleaming with cold light, and said, "I not only want to kill him but also do it right here!"

The dagger's handle was embedded with a ruby the size of a pigeon's egg, and the sheath was also made of gold, exuding unparalleled luxury. Now, the tip of the knife was aimed at the magnificent horse grazing on the grass, unaware that its owner had harbored murderous intent towards it, swishing its tail in a leisurely manner.

With a murderous gleam in his eyes, Young Master Zhao thought of a good idea. Since this horse had frightened him and caused him to lose face, he would kill it right here. This would not only vent his anger but also make him appear brave, regaining some of his lost dignity.

He lisa's hand twitched involuntarily, subconsciously reaching for the iron-headed stick at her waist.

She couldn't... she couldn't bear to see the horse die because of her. If she took action, there would be no justification for it.

The horse was restrained by several servants, and the leader among them shouted, "Young Master, Young Master, we've got it! Young Master can do it now!"

Young Master Zhao held the dagger and stepped forward, aiming at the horse's neck, the blade gleaming with cold light as it was about to strike down...


A crisp sound, like metal clashing, echoed, and something fell to the ground. He lisa quietly retracted her outstretched hand. But Young Master Zhao's dagger had already fallen, and he was now clutching his wrist, shouting in pain.

"It was me."

A voice came from behind.

That voice... He lisa's heart trembled slightly as she turned around to look.

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