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The gleaming edge of the blade was almost within reach, seemingly emanating a faint hint of bloodlust. This scene unfolded before the eyes of the spectators below, eliciting a chorus of astonished gasps.

Blade combat was different from spear combat. Spear duels were dangerous enough compared to archery contests, but blade combat was even riskier. One wrong move could lead to bloodshed, and considering minhyuk's immense strength, any loss of control could result in a disaster.

This lad, who was usually so carefree, how could he let his guard down at a moment like this? Liang Ping felt anxious; distractions during blade combat were a grave mistake!

Seizing the opportune moment, minhyuk launched his attack, his blade sweeping diagonally. He lisa swiftly evaded, avoiding the menacing strike. Just as minhyuk's blade seemed poised to point at her throat, He lisa suddenly lifted her head, a mischievous smile playing on her lips.

Oh no, minhyuk thought, his heart sinking. He was about to pull back, but in the next instant, He lisa's left-hand blade had already come into contact with his long blade, while her right-hand blade had managed to circle behind him. Flustered, minhyuk bent backward to avoid the strike, only to find the young lad's smile had grown wider. In the blink of an eye, both of He lisa's blades were back in her hands. The twin blades, Yuan and Yang, converged into one, aimed directly at minhyuk's head. He attempted to raise his hand to block, but he was a step too late.

The blade halted just before his forehead, leaving a fine cut that oozed a trickle of blood due to the force of its passage.

The entire arena fell silent.

After a moment, He lisa sheathed her blades and handed him a crumpled piece of cloth. "Thank you for your concession."

"All's fair in war." He lisa grinned. "What do you think?"

After so many years of experience, He lisa understood that she couldn't afford to let her guard down at any time, especially during a contest. Even if the Emperor himself were present, she wouldn't waver. However, minhyuk's blade skills were truly exceptional, and she wasn't skilled with blades herself. Without using some tricks, how could she have won so effortlessly? She deliberately created a diversion to lure minhyuk in, like a praying mantis ambushing a cicada, unaware of the oriole behind.

Speaking of which, she was quite clever. Xiao Jungkook probably wouldn't have expected that the "foolish" person he once described had become adept at using strategy and cunning. Thinking this, He lisa looked down at the crowd with pride, hoping to catch a glimpse of Xiao Jungkook looking at her with admiring eyes. But to her surprise, there was no sign of Xiao Jungkook. Even Shen Han was gone, leaving only Cheng jimin excitedly waving at her with his hairband.

Did he even notice my graceful display?

Before she could process this, a crowd had gathered around her, the excitement palpable. Her display today had left an indelible mark on the minds of half of the new recruits of Liangzhou Garrison. Her mastery of archery, spear techniques, and blade combat had set her apart. Yet, there were also those who disapproved of her arrogance, claiming, "Relying on tricks and deceit isn't the right path. If you have the skills, fight fair and square. Using deception only shows that you're not confident in your abilities."

"That just means she's smart!" someone retorted.

san mingled among the new recruits as he left, his feelings a complex jumble. On one hand, he hoped He lisa would keep winning, showcasing herself as a true powerhouse. Losing to a strong opponent would be acceptable; after all, there was no one in Liangzhou Garrison who could defeat him.

But on the other hand, san couldn't help but feel discontented. Why did so many people have to lose to He lisa but no one else has to call her, and only he had to call her "Boss."

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