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He's already dead.

Fan Cheng's wound was still bleeding, the knife having found its mark in his abdomen. He yuta felt his throat dry up. After a moment, he finally spoke, his voice trembling but filled with a resolute acceptance.

"I will go to the authorities and confess that I killed him," he said.

He stood up and staggered forward, taking a few steps before someone grabbed him, preventing him from falling.

He lisa asked, "What do you plan to accomplish by confessing?"

"He's dead, so I pay with my life," He yuta choked back tears, saying, "It's only right."

"You must remember what he said earlier," He lisa said.

"Paying with your life for someone like him is not worth it." said He lisa, glancing at the lifeless body of Fan Cheng on the ground. "Originally, I thought that even if we got through today, Fan Cheng wouldn't give up. The He family would be in trouble sooner or later. But now, at least we have one less trouble. With him dead, the He family will be much quieter in the future."

He yuta recalled Fan Cheng's words when he had threatened to kill him. He had said, "Once you're dead, I'll enslave your sister, use her for my pleasure, and when I'm bored with her, I'll sell her to the brothel." It was such an arrogant and despicable statement, as if it was his right to say such things.

"Do you know that Fan Cheng was going to kill both you and me on this boat? Why should you give up your life just because you accidentally killed him?" He lisa asked. "Our lives are like insignificant grass and weeds to him, but his life is somehow more precious? Why should that be?"

He yuta was still young and full of hot blood, and sacrificing his life for someone like Fan Cheng was not worth it.

He yuta's thoughts were straightforward. He killed Fan Cheng, and if the Fan family sought revenge, he would offer his life to atone for it, and the matter would be settled. However, He lisa knew it was not that simple. Coming from a prominent family in her past life, she knew that a family like the Fan's would not just let it go. Even if He yuta offered his life in exchange, the Fan family would not forgive them, and neither He Sui, herself, nor Qingmei and Shuang Qing would be spared.

"Come here," He lisa patted his shoulder.

He yuta looked at her, confused.

"You said you swam here. Can you swim well? Can you hold your breath underwater?" He lisa asked.

He yuta nodded, "Yes, I can."

"Change into my clothes. When the time comes, listen to my instructions. Jump off the boat and swim downstream. Then change into clean clothes and secretly return home. You must be quick, understand?"

He lisa picked up a bundle from the ground, containing the new clothes she had gotten for He yuta from the tailor. She said, "I'll change into different clothes and lead them away."

"They" referring to Fan Cheng's guards.

He yuta was alarmed. He blurted out, "No, you can't do that!"

"How can you lead them away? You're a woman. If they catch you, they'll kill you. They will torture you. You're defenseless. Falling into their hands would be worse than death..." He kept on babbling, but He lisa silenced him with a firm grip on his shoulder.

"No, I'll throw them off," she said.

"I can't let you go," He yuta muttered.

"Listen, yuta, put on my clothes and jump off the boat. I will lead them away, and for the next two days, we shouldn't see each other. I need to lay low and can't go back to the He family. After five days, go to a tavern called 'Willow Spring Residence' in the west of the city. There's a row of willow trees in front of the tavern. Find the third willow tree from the left, dig three inches down, and I'll leave a letter there for you. We'll meet again then, understand?" she instructed.

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