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252: Father and son

After the beginning of spring, it didn't snow anymore in Shuojing City, but the drizzle turned and fell non-stop, and the denseness seemed to have no end.

In the palace, there is no new year's joy and vigor. Emperor Wen Xuan's illness is getting worse, and the palace people's expressions are heavy, and even with the spring rain, they are also infected with a layer of depression.

The door of the bedroom was opened, and the fourth prince Guangshuo walked out of it.

These days, he came to see Emperor Wen Xuan very often. The emperor Wen Xuan loved this son, and the servants were not surprised. Although he didn't dare to talk clearly, the palace people secretly thought about it. Although it is now a prince, it is true that the throne will go to someone in the future. Hard to say.

In the sleeping hall, Emperor Wen Xuan was lying on the roof, looking at the bright yellow veil on the dragon roof.

In the past few days, he has made Concubine Lan not have to run to this side every day. It's nothing else. I'm afraid that it will fall into the eyes of outsiders and spread some rumors. People's hearts are unpredictable. If it was in the past, it would be okay, but now it is even difficult for him to go to court. I'm afraid he can't protect Concubine Lan's mother and son as well as before.

Thinking of Guangshuo, Emperor Wenxuan sighed again.

Guangshuo is excellent, has both ability and political integrity, and filial piety. Putting aside other things, if there is more decisiveness and coldness, he is a rare wise emperor of Wei. But it was because of his kindness and soft heart that Emperor Wen Xuan treated him differently—because of such Guang Shuo, he was like his own son.

Unfortunately, even so, Emperor Wen Xuan could not change the crown prince at this juncture and hand over the throne to Guang Shuo. Once he does this, the court will inevitably be in chaos. According to Guang Yan's personality, I'm afraid it will immediately stage a scene of imperial children fighting each other and splashing blood in the hall.

If he were in his prime of life, he would still be able to suppress all of this, but he was already old. After these years, courtiers followed Guangshuo, followed Guangshuo, followed Guangyan, and everyone had it. He couldn't control so much of his own mind, and he couldn't control it at all.

But... after all, there is still a result.

The door outside made a slight noise, and Emperor Wen Xuan was taken aback, thinking it was a palace man, and then, Guang Yan's voice rang: "Father...Is he asleep?"

The visitor is actually extensive.

With a mahogany basket in his hand, he saw that Emperor Wen Xuan who was lying on the collapsed was about to get up. He hurried forward, helped Emperor Wen Xuan to get up, leaned against the bed, and called out "Father Emperor" again.

"...Why are you here?" Emperor Wen Xuan asked. As soon as he spoke, he realized that his voice was strangely hoarse.

"I heard that my father was ill..." Guang Yan seemed to be a little nervous, "I want to go, or dare to enter the palace to see the father, the dragon of the father is healthy?"

It was the first time that Guang Yan was domineering and arrogant. It was the first time he showed such a panic and helpless look. Emperor Wen Xuan looked at him and suddenly sighed.

Since Xu Jingfu's accident, Guang Yan hasn't come to the palace much. Of course, Emperor Wen Xuan knew that Guang Yan had been close to Xu Jingfu in the past because he was afraid of being involved by Xu Jingfu and deliberately avoided the limelight. Emperor Wen Xuan was also angry at Guang Yan, and indeed because of Xu Jingfu's relationship, he was particularly disgusted.

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