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 "Hey, you, don't come any closer," He lisa was afraid that the person would come closer, so she quickly poked her head out from behind the rock. "I'm naked! What are you doing?"

He lisa breathed a sigh of relief. She knew from her past experience with Xiao Jungkook that he was extremely picky. Being naked in front of him would be considered impolite, and he wouldn't want to dirty his eyes with such a sight.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" Xiao jungkook stared at her coldly and asked.

"I'm a new soldier in the garrison, and I came here to bathe," He lisa replied.

Upon hearing this, a hint of mockery flashed in Xiao jungkook's eyes, showing that he didn't believe her. He questioned, "Bathing at this hour?"

"There were too many people bathing in the evening, and I fell asleep in the room," He lisa explained, looking at him. "I'm not one of the higher-ups here with my own room to bathe in. Who would want to come to the river to bathe at night? I find it too cold!"

With the term "higher-ups," He lisa was referring to Xiao jungkook himself, hoping he would understand her sarcasm.

However, Xiao jungkook didn't show any sign of embarrassment due to her words. He just looked at her calmly.

Well, she would pretend to be a naive new soldier to make her words more convincing.

Xiao jungkook didn't answer her question and instead retorted, "If you find it cold, then don't join the army."

Was he contradicting her previous statement? He lisa glanced at her clothes behind the boulder. If Xiao jungkook continued to stay there, she would have to keep soaking in the water. But if she stayed too long, it would certainly arouse Xiao jungkook's suspicions.

Xiao jungkook looked at her and raised an eyebrow, asking, "What's your purpose?"

"Of course, it's to achieve great feats, rise in rank, get rich, and become a successful young general like General Fengyun. Then I'll return home, build a house, marry a beautiful and virtuous lady, and have adorable children. A family filled with children and grandchildren, living a prosperous and happy life," He lisa expressed her yearning.

At these words, a chill flashed in Xiao jungkook's eyes as he coldly rebuked, "Vulgar!"

Inside, He lisa was thrilled. She had purposely mixed the title of General Fengyun with the common desires of ordinary men to disgust him. Being as proud as Xiao jungkook, he must feel humiliated by her words.

"What's wrong?" He lisa looked serious. "That's why people join the army, to be the happiest husband."

Perhaps unable to tolerate her wild words, Xiao jungkook glanced at her, turned his sleeve, and left, seemingly unwilling to say anything more to her.

Naturally, Xiao jungkook wouldn't help her retrieve her clothes. He lisa waited until he was far away and out of sight before quickly washing up and changing behind the rock.

The moon remained silent as if it hadn't witnessed anything. He lisa carried her dirty clothes back and thought about the scene she had with Xiao jungkook.

At this time, Xiao jungkook probably wasn't here for any specific reason. He might have just come out for a walk since the night was so beautiful.

Speaking of which, it had been many years since she last saw Xiao jungkook. The last time they met at the horse training ground, she had to lower her head to avoid being recognized, so she couldn't get a clear look at his current appearance. But just now, she had a rare opportunity to see him clearly, and it seemed that he looked different from what she remembered.

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