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206: Mother and daughter

The incense of Yuhua Temple is flourishing, and many carriages have been parked in front of the temple.

He Lisa and Xiao Jungkook got out of the carriage, Feinu drove the carriage to the side and waited. Neither of them brought the maid and the servant, and they were both eye-catching. Those who came and went to worship Buddha couldn't bear it. Live a few more times. Those who didn't know people just looked at them. The family members of the officials who knew Xiao Jungkook guessed He Lisa's identity, but they didn't dare to discuss anything in person, so they avoided it from a distance. .

The rules of worshipping Buddha are simple. The more ordinary people donate some sesame oil and rice, and the richer families donate some silver taels. The Xiao family's silver is not bad, and Feinu has already been prepared. If you receive incense from the monk, you will go into the temple and bow down.

Xiao Jungkook did not go in.

He Lisa asked him why he didn't enter, and he just said: "I don't believe in Buddha."

He Lisa: "..."

They all walked to the gate of the mountain, and they said that I don't believe in Buddha. This person is really arrogant and lawless. However, if you believe in this kind of thing, you will not believe it or not, and you cannot force Xiao Jungkook to worship Buddha. She let Xiao Jungkook stay outside and entered the hall by herself.

He Lisa knelt down on the futon, and the golden Buddha statue made up by her indiscriminately, built for the prosperous businessman, looked down compassionately on the sentient beings. She bowed her head piously, said in her heart, and did not ask for goodbye. Yes, I only hope that those who have been harmed by He Rufei and tired of themselves can reincarnate earlier, and their next life will be safe and healthy, without disasters.

After finishing the incense and lighting the long light, He Lisa left the hall door. Xiao Jungkook waited for her in front of the hall door. Seeing her come out, he asked casually: "What wish did you make?"

"I hope there will be no more wars in the world," He Lisa folded his hands together, pretending to say: "I hope the prosperity is peaceful, you and I can relax."

This is not false. The Utuo's affairs have not yet been resolved. I heard that the main battle and the main peace at the court are still arguing, and there has been no result yet.

I have donated incense money, worshipped the Buddha, and can also use a fast meal in the temple. Yuhua Temple's fast food is also a must, but when He Lisa came last time he was blind and heartbroken. Even Shanzhen was tasteless, and he had forgotten what it was like. Now when he thinks about it, he has some expectations.

The guest house with the vegetarian meal has to pass by the ancient trees behind Yuhua Temple. When passing by the ancient trees, you can see huge ancient trees rooted next to the mountain temple. The branches are vast like clouds and fog. Covered in red, I can only see it when I walked closer. The red on the top is all red silk. The handwriting is written on the red silk, which is probably the wish of the writer. It is said that if you hang your wish on the ancient tree, the ancient tree will manifest itself.

He Lisa thought that he had hung red silk here, and couldn't help stopping.

"This ancient tree is very spiritual." She said to Xiao Jungkook.

Xiao Jungkook said leisurely: "Are you going to make up a story again?"

"No, it's really spiritual." He Lisa smiled and thought, she had hung a wish on the tree in her previous life, hoping to see the moon again, and wrote this line on the red silk at the time. At the time, I felt that it would be idiotic to talk about dreams. Not to mention the moon, her eyes can see the light again. This alone sounds incredible.

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