133: Zither Skill

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Yan Miner and Lady Yan's conversation was overheard by a young woman in green attire. This young woman was a bit younger than Yan Miner and even more delicate and beautiful. She asked, "I've heard that Young Master Qiao's wife is a famous talent in Huzhou. I wonder if she's attractive?"

Yan Miner chuckled and replied cryptically, "Even if she's a famous talent, she can't compare to our Ah Xiu in Jiyang."

Ling Xiu was the beloved daughter of Wangfu's Hall of Records official, Ling Dianyi. At the age of five, she could compose poetry, and by the age of seven, she was already famous in Jiyang. She excelled in everything from music and chess to calligraphy and painting, and she was both delicate and beautiful. In a city where most women were known for their beauty and boldness, she truly stood out. Upon hearing of another talented woman from Huzhou, a spirit of competition arose.

Another young woman on the other side of the conversation smirked and said, "Why compare Ah Xiu to a merchant's wife, isn't that lowering one's own status. Who's to say these 'talented women' aren't just embellishing themselves with a false reputation, like adding a layer of gold to their own bodies."

Ling Xiu also laughed and said, "If Young Master Qiao really stays in Jiyang, he won't be just a merchant in the future."

"Once a merchant, always a merchant. That smell of copper clings to the bone, and changing one's clothes won't cover it up," Yan Miner said disdainfully. "In the end, they can't fit into high society."

The young women laughed together, and at that moment, someone announced, "Cui Zhongqi has arrived!"

Everyone looked in the direction of the announcement and saw a middle-aged man walking toward them from the lakeside pavilion. He had a round, broad figure and a genial appearance, resembling a Buddha. He was dressed in black martial attire and appeared energetic. When he reached the pavilion, he handed his long spear to a subordinate and said, "You've all arrived."

The people stood up to greet Cui Yuezhi.

In Jiyang, Cui Yuezhi was a figure who stood above all others, and thus, both inside and outside the Wangfu, people respected him. Cui Yuezhi turned to ask Zhong Fu, "Have Huangqing and the others arrived?"

"They've been sent for," Zhong Fu replied with a smile. "They should arrive soon."

Yesterday, Cui Yuezhi had stayed in Wangfu after discussing matters with the princess and had consumed a few drinks. Today, he had continued to argue with the stubborn old men, and he had not yet seen his nephew. He stroked his chin and said, "I wonder what my nephew is like. Does he resemble big brother? Is there any resemblance to me?"

Zhong Fu hesitated, honestly, this Young Master Qiao bore no resemblance to anyone in the Cui family except in gender.

"That child is said to have been raised in a merchant's household," Cui Yuezhi expressed some concern. "Although I don't mind that, these nobles in the city place great importance on social status. I hope they won't look down on him."

Before Zhong Fu could reply, a servant from the Cui family approached and said, "Young Master Qiao, Madam Qiao has arrived—"

The crowd instinctively looked in the direction of the announcement.

At the far end of the pavilion, by the lakeside, two young people walked side by side. A man and a woman, both very young. The man was tall, with a graceful posture like jade. He was dressed in a dark blue robe with black and gold snake patterns, and he appeared very elegant. His black hair was tied up with a jade pin, and his features were refined and beautiful, exuding an air of aloofness. The woman standing beside him was full of smiles, charming and lovely. Her clothes seemed to be made of an unusual material; they appeared plain white at first but shimmered with shades of blue, purple, and gold as she moved, creating a dreamy and enchanting effect.

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