129: Madam

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Starting from Liangzhou and heading to Jiyang City, even with a fast horse and whip, it still takes almost a month.

They left after the New Year during the spring, and as they traveled southward, the weather became warmer. By the time they neared Jiyang, wildflowers had bloomed along the roadside, and swallows were already starting to build their nests. Spring had indeed arrived.

Outside Jiyang City, Chiwu approached in a horse-drawn carriage and said, "Young Master, this is the best carriage you can find around here."

The carriage already looked quite luxurious, wrapped in fine peacock green silk, with white gauze inside that swayed gently. After days of riding a horse, He Lisa felt tired, so having a comfortable ride made her content. However, Lin Taehyung was still quite critical, "Is this it? In Shuojing, I wouldn't even glance at something like this. The wood quality is subpar too. Didn't I say to choose the most expensive one?"

Chiwu: "This is already the most expensive one."

He Lisa sighed as she glanced at Lin Taehyung. After so many years, his desire for comfort and luxury hadn't changed. She couldn't understand why Xiao Jungkook had brought him along on this trip to Jiyang. Wasn't he just dragging them down?

But He Lisa wasn't the only one who couldn't fathom it. Lin Taehyung was puzzled too, and he had to confirm with Xiao Jungkook once more, "Are you sure you're not mistaken in taking me to Jiyang?"

Xiao Jungkook replied, "I'm sure."


"Because we need a steward to travel with us."

"A, a steward?" Lin Taehyung was infuriated. "Have you ever seen a steward as handsome as me?"

Xiao Jungkook assessed him for a moment. "I have now."

Though he complained a bit, Lin Taehyung agreed to accompany them, as he was genuinely interested in seeing Jiyang. He had never been there before and had heard that the girls in Jiyang were all beautiful. It would be a waste not to see them at least once in this lifetime.

Thus, he complained only superficially and willingly agreed to come along.

During their journey, they hadn't paid much attention to their appearances. However, as they neared Jiyang, they decided to dress up properly. In this place, they were no longer Xiao Jeongguk and He Lisa but rather Huzhou's rich merchant's son, Qiao Huanqing, and his new wife, Wen Yuyan, along with their two bodyguards, Chiwu and Fei Nu, and their steward, Lin Taehyung.

Fei Nu brought out a communication order, looking at Jiyang's city gates in the distance. He said, "Young Master, once we enter the city and find an inn, we also need to buy two maids."

It wouldn't be reasonable for the young master and young mistress of a wealthy merchant to travel without even a maid. It's unimaginable that they'd have to handle everything, including their daily needs. This kind of statement, not to mention Cui Yuezhi, even ordinary people wouldn't believe it.

"Buy a maid?" Lin Taehyung suggested, "I'll go too, I know how to select young ladies!"

Xiao Jungkook couldn't be bothered with him and instructed Fei Nu, "Find someone young. After we're done with the business in Jiyang, we'll send them back home."

Fei Nu acknowledged the order.

Chiwu and Fei Nu continued driving the carriage outside, and the carriage gradually made its way to the gates of Jiyang. Fei Nu presented the travel permit to the guard at the city gate, and the guard scrutinized the black characters on the permit carefully. His attitude suddenly became respectful, "So, you're Cui family's people. Please come in."

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