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154: No Wind

These fifty people, when they first accepted the task assigned by Cui Yuezhi, never thought of returning alive. At this moment, when they heard what Lisa said, they all stood there in a daze.

After a while, someone asked, "Is this... feasible?"

"I will attract the attention of the Wutuo people in front," Lisa said, "but your boats also need to be arranged according to my plan." She had never set up a water formation before, but she couldn't afford to worry about that now. However, Lisa looked at the distant sky, and at the end of the sky, there was a faint line of light. The day was about to dawn, but would there be wind today?

Would the heavens be on their side?

But no matter what, the battle was their destiny.

"Raise the blades in your hands and follow me," she said.


The day finally broke, the last bit of darkness dissipated, and a red sun rose from the front of the canal, accompanied by clouds and mist, casting a golden light over the entire river, with Jiyang City bathed in a brilliant glow.

The soldiers on the city tower blew their horns, and on the riverbank, the Jiyang army was ready for battle, with boats lined up closely like dense black iron.

However, in the distance, a dark spot gradually appeared, growing larger and larger. It started as a thin line, then widened and lengthened until it covered a large area of the canal. It became clear to everyone that these were Wutuo people's boats.

Wutuo people's boats were incredibly tall and large, with Wutuo soldiers standing at the bow, wearing leather armor, and small round hats made of black lamb's skin on their heads, with two red ribbons trailing from the back of the hats. They were all tall and strong, and even before getting close, they began to laugh loudly, intimidating the Jiyang army on their side.

"Commander," a deputy whispered behind, his voice trembling slightly, "their numbers..."

"At least one hundred and fifty thousand," Xiao Jungkook replied.

Twenty thousand against one hundred and fifty thousand, this was no longer a matter of winning against the odds; the overwhelming difference was terrifying, and it made people feel desperate.

"Follow me onto the boat," Xiao Jungkook stepped onto a small boat on the riverbank.

Compared to the Wutuo people's boats, the boats of the Jiyang City army were excessively small. The Wutuo soldiers had come from the north of the canal, and their journey was long. Their boats were large and sturdy, built with some precious wood, and it was unclear what kind of wood was used, but it was undoubtedly valuable. Over the years, the Great Wei had been busy suppressing rebellions in the Western Qiang and the Southern Barbarians, which had given the Wutuo people an opportunity to amass wealth without being noticed. Their national treasury might not be much smaller than that of the Great Wei.

The Jiyang City army followed Xiao Jungkook onto the boat, and the boats headed in the direction of the Wutuo army.

The leader who had brought the troops to Jiyang this time was the Wutuo general, Maka. Maka was not particularly tall, in fact, he seemed quite short compared to the soldiers around him. He wasn't very old either, having just reached adulthood, but he was already well-known in the Wutuo country due to his expertise in surprise attacks. Moreover, he was the cousin of the Wutuo country's ruler, who had entrusted him with one hundred and fifty thousand troops to make the first strike against the Great Wei in this campaign.

For Maka, victory in Jiyang was almost certain.

The spies lurking in Jiyang City had already gathered detailed information about the city's current situation. As a vassal territory of a prince, it had very few troops, and in recent years, it had been excessively peaceful and tranquil. Seizing such a city would be a piece of cake. The only slightly troublesome factor was Jiyang's princess, Mu Hongjin. This woman was very cunning, but ultimately, she was just a woman. However, in recent days, it seemed that there were more people in Jiyang City, and there were rumors of a swordsman in white clothing hunting Wutuo spies. To avoid getting caught in the act, the civilians of Jiyang City had started evacuating early, fearing the nightmares, and this was why they had decided to act ahead of schedule.

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