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 The small boat swayed on the river. Tonight, there was no moon, only a few scattered stars in the sky. The lights from the riverside were reflected on the water, and faintly, one could see their own shadows on the surface.

He lisa hung her head, remaining silent. The guard couldn't help but glance at her from time to time. He saw the girl sitting at the stern, her back straight, and her hands tied behind her with ropes, motionless. As if sensing his gaze, she lifted her head and gave him a cold look, causing the guard to shiver, almost dropping his oar into the river.

That look was genuinely chilling. He couldn't describe the feeling; it was like a dead person staring at him lifelessly. The sound of the waves on the river seemed like an eerie dream, adding to her ghostly aura.

The water shimmered with ripples under the night sky, appearing like whirlpools, bringing her thoughts back to the day when she was drowned by He Wanyu in the pond.

In the past, she could swim and was a decent swimmer. But now, at this moment, her nerves were tense all over, telling her that she was afraid of water.

She was afraid of falling into the water from this small boat, afraid of being sucked into an endless vortex, afraid of struggling helplessly underwater, seeing the sky getting farther away, and being powerless to do anything. She feared that her life would come to an abrupt end just like in her previous life.

She felt disgusted with her own weakness and fear at this moment, but couldn't think of any other way. She could only sit in the boat and silently let the guard bring her onto that magnificent boat.

He lisa stared at the person in front of her.

Today, Fan Cheng was also dressed up in an extravagant manner. The interior of the cabin was filled with incense and colorful lanterns, making it warm and fragrant as she entered.

He lisa struggled to free herself from the whirlpool in her mind and looked at Fan Cheng, saying, "Young Master Fan."

He lisa remained silent.

"I never thought that woman would be so malicious, actually tying you up and locking you in a room. If it weren't for me secretly ensuring your safety and finding out about this, then immediately sending someone to rescue you, the consequences could have been unimaginable. Ah He, by now, you should understand the sincerity of my efforts, right?" Fan Cheng lamented.

He lisa looked at the ropes around her feet and shook her head, saying, "I don't understand."

From beginning to end, Fan Cheng's guard did not untie the ropes for her, whether when he took her out of the mansion, onto the carriage, or brought her onto this boat.

The coarse ropes had already rubbed her wrists raw, but she didn't feel any pain, just silence.

"I was afraid you would have a misunderstanding and refuse to board the boat, so I didn't untie the ropes for you," Fan Cheng explained, following her gaze. Although he said so, he made no other move.

She smiled like the glow of the morning sun on snow, bright and radiant. Fan Cheng was momentarily captivated, thinking that He lisa had grown more beautiful. She exuded a sense of heroism and elegance that she hadn't had before.

The thought made him itch, and he reached out to touch He lisa's face. She turned her head, evading him, and his hand fell through empty air. His smile faltered slightly, so he simply squatted down, gazing at He lisa and said, "It's not that I don't want to let you go, but Ah He, you need to understand your current situation."

"My wife is naturally jealous, and she will never let you off. Even if you return to the He family today, she will find a way to come after you. My father-in-law is a Cheng Wulang, and your father is just a low-ranking military officer; there are plenty of opportunities for her to cause trouble. But not mentioning that, the most important thing is you."

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