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152: The opportunity in a Hopeless Situation

The people of Jiyang City evacuated at the same time that Xiao Jungkook took over the city's military command.

The orders given by the princess herself were not something the citizens would defy. Even if they had their doubts and concerns, the news of turmoil in the city would prompt them to leave temporarily for the safety of their families. Those who stayed behind were the elderly, weak, sick, and disabled, unable to move for various reasons and unwilling to endure the hardships of a journey; they would rather die in their hometown.

The most difficult to deal with were some of the prominent families in Jiyang City who had harbored resentment toward Mu Hongjin in recent years. Although Mu Hongjin was known for her firm and decisive actions despite being a woman, the crisis in Jiyang City was overwhelming, and Mu Hongjin appeared somewhat overwhelmed. This provided an opportunity for these influential families to take action and undermine her authority.

Mu Hongjin could not leave Jiyang City; her departure would not only give those who secretly opposed her a chance but also signify her abandonment of the city and its people. As the princess of Jiyang City, she had enjoyed the love and respect of the citizens, and in times like this, she had a responsibility to bear.

A discreetly disguised carriage departed from the gates of the royal palace.

Mu Hongjin, disguised as a maid, stood at the palace gate, with most of her body hidden behind a pillar. She watched the direction in which Mu Xiaolou left.

Mu Xiaolou was still unaware of the crisis in Jiyang City and believed that this departure was merely for the purpose of attending the birthday celebration of the prince, leaving in high spirits. She promised to bring a gift for Mu Hongjin upon her return and enjoy sweet ice cream when she came back, thinking that perhaps it would be summer then.

Only when she could no longer see the carriage in the distance did Mu Hongjin withdraw her gaze. Just as she was about to turn and step back into the palace, she caught a glimpse of a white-clothed figure standing on the opposite side of the street. The figure was hidden in the shade, and due to the glaring sunlight, Mu Hongjin couldn't discern their face, but she could see a long sword hanging from the figure's waist and a zither on their back.

Despite the bustling streets and crowded pedestrians, the person seemed to be looking at her from across the street, yet it also seemed as if they hadn't noticed her.

A horse-drawn cart carrying goods slowly passed by.

When Mu Hongjin looked back again, there was only a blinding reflection from the sun, and on the other side of the street, there was no trace of the person. It was as if what she had seen just now was her imagination.

She stood still for a moment and then walked away.


At night, the study in the Cui Mansion was still brightly lit. Large lanterns were placed in all corners, illuminating the room. Cui Yuezhi's study was more like an armory than a scholarly space. It was plain, square, and orderly, with little to no elegance. Besides the scrolls scattered haphazardly on the desk and the black wooden bookshelves, there was no sign of refinement.

Cui Yuezhi was not someone who enjoyed reading.

A large map was hung on the wall, taking up half of the space. It depicted a river with swirls and rocks near it, all marked clearly.

Over a dozen men sat in the room, all of them martial men similar to Cui Yuezhi. They were his colleagues and subordinates, and if the Wutuo people entered the city, these men would serve as deputy commanders of the Jiyang City forces, assisting Xiao Jungkook in his actions.

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