119: Old Friends

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Outside the Garrison, a group of people stood.

Servants by the side of a carriage were busy unloading boxes from it. Inside the Garrison residence, guests were sitting and drinking tea in a resting area.

As soon as Xiao Jungkook entered, he saw Liang Ping pouring tea for the guests.

"Fourth Young Master Chu." The first to greet him was Lin Taehyung. He approached, waving his fan and smiling as if he were a host welcoming guests. "I wonder if the tea suits your taste?"

Chu Jeamin stood up and respectfully bowed to Lin Taehyung and Xiao Jungkook, saying, "Commander Xiao, Young Master Lin." He smiled and continued, "The Liangzhou Garrison's Cloud Mist Tea is rich and fragrant, leaving a lingering taste on the palate. You're fortunate, Commander."

Xiao Jungkook pulled over a chair and sat down, watching him intently. "It's just ordinary tea; there's no need to be so polite."

Chu Jeamin didn't take offense and simply replied with a smile, "You jest, Commander."

Fourth Young Master of the Shi Jinbo household, this year, was the same age as Xiao Jungkook. Compared to Xiao Jungkook's often indifferent and weary appearance, Chu Jeamin seemed much gentler. He had a superb appearance, with well-defined facial features, fair skin, and a loose, long robe that made him look even slimmer. His eyes were long and narrow, always carrying a hint of a smile, giving the impression of a refined gentleman, graceful like jade.

When the two of them were together, one was as cold as autumn water, and the other was as pure and clean as a fragrant orchid. They looked quite pleasing to the eye.

At Chu Jeamin's side stood a maid-like girl. Although she was dressed as a maid, she had an exceptionally beautiful appearance, with deep and radiant features. Even in simple attire, it was difficult to hide her radiance. Lin Taehyung, who had seen countless beauties, couldn't help but cast an admiring glance at the girl, secretly sighing. Together, the master and servant seemed otherworldly, far from ordinary people. Among Shi Jinbo's four sons, the first three had plain appearances, but this one had such distinctive features. It seemed that the mother's looks were truly important.

"Fourth Young Master Chu, what brings you to Liangzhou Garrison?" Xiao Jungkook asked.

Chu Jeamin smiled and said, "His Majesty heard that Commander Xiao annihilated tens of thousands of enemy troops and eradicated the remnants of the Qiang people in Liangzhou. He was overjoyed and sent me to deliver rewards and, as an additional task, to observe the high spirits of the garrison here."

"Deliver rewards?" Xiao Jungkook's gaze turned meaningful as he spoke nonchalantly, "This desolate land of Liangzhou, where it could even make Fourth Young Master Chu come in person to witness, is not simple."

Chu Jeamin replied with a gentle smile, "Being able to witness Commander Xiao's elite troops is Jeamin's good fortune."

Xiao Jungkook gave a brief laugh but didn't respond.

"This time, His Majesty also ordered me to hold a celebratory banquet for the victory in Liangzhou," Chu Jeamin continued. "However, I'm not familiar with the customary celebrations of the Liangzhou Garrison, so I have to trouble Commander Xiao."

"The newly fallen soldiers have just been buried," Xiao Jungkook said. "It might not be appropriate to celebrate now."

Chu Jeamin's smile remained gentle, but he was resolute in his response. "In war, there is always bloodshed. Besides, victory and the annihilation of the enemy are reasons for celebration. This is also the will of His Majesty."

Was he invoking the Emperor's authority?

Xiao Jungkook scrutinized him for a while, then nodded and smiled, saying, "Alright." He stood up and added with a meaningful tone, "We can hold a celebration banquet tomorrow. We would like to invite the Fourth Young Master Chu to join us."

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