145: The Resolute Woman

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The person behind, Fei Nu, "..."

Xiao Jungkook only felt a faint throbbing in his forehead. He had just returned to the Cui residence and hadn't even had a chance to change his clothes when he heard Cui Jiao say that He Lisa had been taken to the small garden by Ling Xiu. With a woman like Ling Xiu, he could easily understand her intentions at a glance. However, He Lisa was completely clueless when it came to matters in the women's quarters. Thinking about it, he was afraid that she might be at a disadvantage, which was why he came to her rescue.

Little did he know that as soon as he arrived, he saw her acting so self-assured, and it seemed like she hadn't suffered any loss. It even left the other women with flushed faces.

Xiao Jungkook wasn't too foolish. He felt a mix of anger and amusement, so he didn't approach He Lisa. Instead, he stood at the corner of the garden, looking at her with a cold gaze, waiting to hear if she would say anything outrageous.

On the other side, Er Yiniang revealed a knowing smile and gestured towards the figure in the corner of the garden. "Look, the protector has arrived."

"Really?" Si Yiniang clenched her fists. "Er Yiniang, you're the best at reading people. I admire you!"

"Who knows," San Yiniang unwilling to admit her misjudgment, said. "What if Young Master Qiao sees that Ling Xiu is so beautiful and changes his mind at the last minute?"

Wei Yiniang furrowed her brow. "If you don't have anything useful to say, don't say anything!"

Er Yiniang couldn't help but laugh at her being scolded.

In that moment, He Lisa was still talking eloquently, "So, my dear sisters, learning the arts of music, chess, calligraphy, and painting is indeed essential. However, we should learn these skills to bring joy to ourselves. If we're learning them solely to please men, it's better to acquire some skills in managing husbands. Before I got married, I also enjoyed the romantic pleasures of life, but after marriage, I realized it's all like fleeting clouds in the valley. The only real skill is managing a husband."

"Is that so?" These young girls were not too old, and though they could be annoying at times, they were straightforward. They naturally lacked guile, and one of them asked, "So, what is your secret to managing a husband?"

He Lisa cleared her throat and answered seriously, "I must admit that I'm not sure what my secret is. My husband and I only met at the Lantern Festival, and I didn't even know him. The next day, he came to propose, and it was a non-negotiable decision. I didn't want to get married so early, but he was insistent to the point of threatening to drown himself if I refused. I thought that saving a life was a good deed. You know the saying, 'A virtuous woman is afraid of a persistent suitor.' He was so persistent that I finally agreed to marry him."

"I thought about it, and the secret to managing a husband is quite simple. First, you need a face that can make a man fall in love with you at first sight, a face that he can't help but want to marry." She smoothed her long hair hanging over her chest and said, "Of course, not everyone can achieve this."

"Second, you must love him less than he loves you. Between men and women, there's often a power dynamic, and in small matters, someone usually has the upper hand. It's like a war, where you shouldn't make your lover too important all the time. Take care of yourself, and someone will naturally love you." He Lisa made up a story, almost convincing herself, "I've never tried to please my husband, but he cherishes me like a treasure. That's the result."

"Third," He Lisa thought to herself, "I can't come up with a third one." She smiled faintly and continued, "Good husbands are rare, so all of you should keep an eye out. Instead of coveting what others have, it's better to find your own."

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