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The night was pitch black, and the narrow alleyways were devoid of people, except for the occasional stray cat darting by, its soft meow filling the spring night in the capital city.

Innocent men carry a jade while the guilty carry their crimes. Having won so much silver at Le Tong Manor, He lisa couldn't help but make enemies. If she was followed on the main roads, it could lead to trouble for the He family. So, she decided to take the back alleys.

But... it seemed that the more you're afraid of something, the more it will come. He lisa stopped in her tracks.

At the end of the alley was a street lined with small shops and taverns. This side of the street was less busy than the area around Le Tong Manor, and at this hour, the shops were already closed, engulfed in darkness, with not a soul in sight. Only the stars and the moon cast their faint glow over the ground.

He lisa turned around, crouched down, and picked up a few pebbles. After a moment's consideration, she threw them with force.

The pebbles were swift and sharp, like the tip of an arrow released from its bow, "pew pew pew." Someone stumbled out from the concealed darkness with a thud.

"Don't follow me," He lisa said calmly. "You can't catch up to me."

"And what if we add ourselves to the equation?" another voice sounded. Several people emerged from the other end of the alley, with a burly man at the forefront, shirtless, his hands looking like they could snap He lisa's neck.

He lisa held the silver in her arms, replying calmly, "Since it's my first time entering a gambling den, no one has taught me anything." But in her heart, she thought, the people in the gambling den are indeed as her comrades once described, not a bunch of good people. They could break the rules they set.

"Doomed to die, yet you still dare to be defiant," the burly man roared in anger. "Today, I'll teach you a lesson, I'll twist your arms off and make you kneel and call me grandfather!"

He lisa stood in the narrow alley, trapped between the half-naked man and his followers in front, and the unknown pursuers behind. She was cornered with no escape route.

"Well, let's see if you have what it takes." She slowly clenched her fists.

"Arrogant!" The big man signaled, and his followers swarmed around. He himself charged forward, but his attack seemed clumsy and without any technique. He swung his hand towards He lisa's back.

Under the moonlight, the young boy swiftly ducked, evading the attack. The big man's eyes blurred, feeling a heavy punch on his back. This only fueled his anger, and he roared in rage. By the time he looked up, the young boy had already leaped onto the alley's surrounding wall.

"Capture him!"

The pursuers of He lisa seemed to realize what was happening too. Someone grabbed He lisa's clothes, pulling her down. "Rip—" A sound rang out as the hem of her long robe tore apart.

"Ah." She sighed with regret, "It's ruined."

"You still care about your clothes at a time like this?" The big man's nose twisted with anger, "I won't be satisfied until I beat you to death today!"

He charged at He lisa, a mountain-like figure that seemed to shake the ground as he moved. With so many followers and guards, it should have been an easy task to deal with a little brat. However, today was the first time he encountered an ironclad opponent. The youth, seemingly young, was like an eel, slippery and elusive, escaping their grasp effortlessly. As he moved through the crowd, his attacks were few, but each hit was critical. In no time, the followers and guards were beaten to the ground, unable to get up.

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