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220: Arson

The people who came to set the fire never expected that someone was present in the quiet library of books today. They were caught off guard. When they wanted to run, they were already blocked by Xiao Jungkook. Xiao Jungkook took off his arm.

As early as when Xiao Jungkook was fighting with this person, He Lisa grabbed a long blanket on one side and put out the fire. Fortunately, the fire wasn't too big, this person probably thought that the paper rolls in the pavilion were easy to pick up, so he didn't use the anointing oil. Otherwise, if you really want to count it, the two of them will not necessarily fight it out.

The fire was put out in time, and only half of the book burned. He Lisa shook his head at Xiao Jungkook, "Fortunately, nothing major happened."

The two looked at the person on the ground. This person was young and dressed in a blouse. At first glance, he looked like a student at Xianchang Hall. He was taken off his hands and feet by Xiao Jungkook and could not move for the time being. He Lisa noticed that there were traces of martial arts training on his tiger's mouth, and he couldn't help but frown and said: "It seems that he is not a student of Xianchang Hall. He should have come in."

Ordinary students, even if there is a martial arts department in the academy, the calluses are not so heavy. At first glance, it is the result of years of martial arts training. Xiao Jungkook looked down at him and asked coldly: "Who sent you here?"

The man just stared at Xiao Jungkook and didn't speak.

"Wait a minute." He Lisa seemed to feel a little bit. He took a step forward and held his chin. Xiao Jungkook couldn't stop him. The next moment, He Lisa said, "He can't speak, he's a dumb."

The opponent was forced to open his mouth while holding his chin, his mouth was empty, with only half of his tongue.

"It's dangerous." Xiao Jungkook pulled her up and moved behind him, "Don't get too close."

"The other party found a dumb man, and deliberately mixed into the Xianchang Pavilion, just to set a fire in the library." He Lisa's attention was not on her own, and looked at Xiao Jungkook, "It seems that someone is thinking about it with us. One place."

In the library, although there are rare and isolated books, they are not too dangerous for people to take risks. What's more, the other party did not send someone to steal, but to set fire, impartially, and it happened to burn the one used by "He Rufei". Just as He Lisa and Xiao Jungkook came to Xianchang Hall today to find the past handwriting of "He Rufei" in case of emergency. The real Young Master He, who seems to have a guilty heart and shortness of breath, can't wait for someone to destroy the body. Extinct.

Xiao Jungkook asked: "What are you going to do?"

He Lisa lowered his head and thought for a while, and when he raised his head, his expression became relaxed, "Since someone covets the notes of'General He', it is better to let us take care of it. As for this person... first inform Mr. Huang, See what he says."

When Huang Sancai got the news, he couldn't believe his eyes. He only let Xiao Jungkook and He Lisa enter the library for less than a stick of incense, so why suddenly someone set fire?

"Mr. Huang," Xiao Jungkook gestured towards the people on the ground, "Is this a student of the academy?"

Mr. Huang took a closer look at the face of the arsonist and shook his head: "No, no, I have never seen this person."

"That's it." Xiao Jungkook nodded, "This person rushed into the academy, but he just set a fire and was hit by me."

Mr. Huang hurried to check the bookshelves that had just caught fire, the examination papers scattered on the ground, the half-burnt books, and the smell of burnt wood in the pavilion, all of them confirmed that Xiao Jungkook did not lie. Someone did set fire here just now.

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