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The horse trotted through the deep mountains. Its pace was not very fast due to the darkness of the night, making it difficult to see clearly. It was a bit disappointing for He lisa. After finally getting on Green Ear, she didn't experience the legendary feeling of "crossing mountains and crossing waters as if walking on flat ground."

Starlight and moonlight filtered through the branches and leaves of the forest. As He lisa rode on the horse, she finally had the leisure to take in the surrounding scenery. With a casual glance, she noticed a wolf lying horizontally not far away. It was clearly dead.

She was taken aback for a moment, then walked a few steps further and saw another wolf carcass.

"Since we encountered them on the road, I took care of them. Otherwise, they would have followed us all the way, which would have been troublesome," he replied.

He lisa inwardly sighed. Look at that, indeed worthy of being a young killer general. At the drop of a hat, he goes on a killing spree. No wonder they haven't encountered any wolves on the way; they've all been exterminated by Xiao Jungkook. She looked at the wolf carcasses once more. Each one had its throat cleanly severed with a small, precise wound.

Her gaze shifted slightly downward to Xiao Jungkook's waist and the sword hanging there. It was widely known that General Fengyun owned a famous horse named Green Ear and a treasured sword named Drinking Autumn. Her sword, Qinglang sword, emitted a faint green light along its blade, capable of cutting through iron like mud. Rumors said that Drinking Autumn was clear as frost and snow throughout. At this moment, it was sheathed, and its details were not visible.

These wolves were probably all killed by Drinking Autumn. Traditionally, a hero is gifted a treasured sword, and He lisa considered herself a hero of sorts. Seeing this treasured sword, she couldn't help but want to touch it.

Suddenly, she felt the body underneath her stiffen. He lisa immediately let go and exclaimed, "I didn't mean to touch your waist, I just wanted to feel your sword!"

After a while, a voice behind her, suppressing his anger, said, "You can be quiet."

"I'll get bored if I'm quiet," He lisa responded. "Commander, you don't have to be so serious. Look at you, killing so many wolves and not taking them with us. These wolves will just benefit the foxes in the mountains. Aside from eating their meat, their fur can be quite valuable. The wolf fur from the one I killed is damaged, only suitable for making boots. But the ones you killed have intact fur, enough to make a fur cloak. Though a fur cloak made from wolf fur might not be suitable for you. I imagine your clothing material is much more precious. So, why not do me a favor and let me have them? Having a wolf fur cloak in winter would be so nice. I could roll around in the snow."

"Not exactly. I'm just cold," He lisa shook her head. "Commander, you value cleanliness and despise dirt and impurities. You can't tolerate the blood of beasts staining your clothes. We're different. Let alone dead wolves, I've even slept on a pile of corpses before."

There was a moment of silence behind her before Xiao Jungkook asked, "When?"

"It happened when I was young. I can't recall the details very well," He lisa looked at the stars in the sky. "Back then, in order to survive, I had no choice. It was a pile of corpses after all. After all was said and done, I was the only one who survived in that pile of corpses."

She thought Xiao Jungkook might inquire about the situation and was prepared to fabricate a story, but surprisingly, he didn't ask, leaving her prepared explanation hanging unused.

He lisa's thoughts drifted back to the past.

It was not long after she arrived in Moxian when a group of Fuyue soldiers, including new recruits like her, encountered the Western Qiang people at the edge of the desert.

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