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172: Borrowing Arrows

There aren't many people on the street.

The Wutuo people wait outside the city, and the citizens inside the city can't sleep at night. The vendors along the street have long closed their doors. Walking down a street, it was desolate and bleak.

The rice shop closed its doors months ago. Occasionally, you can see women with children digging for wild vegetables in the soil. Unfortunately, in the past few months, people in the city couldn't go out, and people from outside couldn't come in. The available food has long been consumed, and there's no sign of wild vegetables. Occasionally, when they saw a rat, they rejoiced as if they had come across something savory.

Although everyone is currently worried about when the Wutuo people outside the city will break in, hunger has already spread to every corner inside the city. When the last grain of rice is gone, even if the Wutuo people don't attack, there will be a big problem in the city.

In this desolate street, there were people slowly walking. It's a man and a woman, both exceptionally good-looking. The man was dressed in an indigo robe, with a gentle and handsome appearance, while the woman had charming features and a captivating allure.

Ying Xiang took out a piece of dry ration from her bundle and handed it to Chu Jaemin, saying, "Fourth Young Master, all the shops here are closed. Have some dry ration to fill your stomach."

This dry ration was originally the food for the guards when they were traveling in Liangzhou Garrison. It has been kept in the bundle, and now, with no available inns to eat in, they had to make do with it.

Chu Jaemin took it and was about to eat when he noticed a little girl standing under a tree. The girl, about five or six years old, had a dirty face, wore tattered clothes, and was barefoot. She didn't belong to any family, and her eyes were fixed on the dry ration in Chu Jaemin's hands without saying a word.

Chu Jaemin smiled, walked over, squatted down, and handed the dry ration to her.

The little girl was momentarily stunned, then glanced around as if afraid that Chu Jaemin would change his mind. She quickly snatched the dry ration, tucked it into her arms, and ran away, disappearing quickly at the end of the quiet street.

Chu Jaemin stood up, and Ying Xiang said, "Fourth Young Master..."

"It's nothing," he shook his head. "Rundu won't last much longer."

Ying Xiang was a bit worried. The two of them had left Liangzhou Garrison, rushed back to Shuojing, and just arrived in Rundu when the Wutuo people followed them. Li Kuang ordered the city gates to be guarded, making it impossible for them to enter or leave. They were now trapped here.

"We need to leave Rundu as soon as possible," Ying Xiang said softly. "The Wutuo people have been probing the city for days, and the main attack is likely to happen in the next few days. Once the city falls... we will be in danger."

The Wutuo people are cunning and ruthless. Even though Chu Jaemin might find a way to escape unharmed, she is still a woman, an exceptionally beautiful woman, and beauty in chaotic times often leads to tragic consequences. Ying Xiang couldn't help but shiver at the thought.

Seeming to sense her concerns, Chu Jaemin said, "We'll leave tomorrow."

Ying Xiang felt relieved and expressed her gratitude, "Thank you, Fourth Young Master."

"Before that, we need to find Zongbing Li Kuang," Chu Jaemin smiled. "Without his help, we can't leave the city."

Ying Xiang nodded. Although the city gates were sealed, she never doubted that they couldn't escape. Every city has secret passages, and important people are often escorted out during critical times, providing a chance for survival.

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