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212: Be the first

The winter in Shuojing is getting colder every day.

It rained at night, and the ground was covered with a damp chill in the early morning of the next day. On the tenth day of October, He Lisa got up early.

He Sui and He Yuta left before dawn. One of them was going to work and the other was going to school. He Lisa got up after they went out, lit a candle, quietly cleaned up, and walked out. Closed the door.

Qingmei is sleeping well, and now before she gets up to cook, He Lisa knows that Chiwu lives in an empty room in the yard, staying vigil in the first half of the night and resting in the second half of the night. However, this person was very quick in his mind, afraid of being discovered, He Lisa took out the skill of raiding and lurking in the forward camp in his previous life, and finished the short distance from the yard to the outside of the yard.

Xiang Xiang glanced at her, seemingly puzzled by her behavior, He Lisa touched the horse's head. He Yuta really cherishes this horse, and specially equipped with a saddle, but after all he is reluctant to ride, the saddles are all new. It's just that she is going out of town today, and now she is really poor and has no money to rent a carriage, so she can only ask Xiangxiang to help her take her a ride.

He Lisa turned on his horse and galloped away from the city in the hazy winter morning light of Shuojing City.

When the chicken cried for the third time, Qingmei yawned and got up to boil water. The water boiler was placed outside the yard, and the kettle "gurgled" steaming, creating a little warmth in the cold early morning. First she went to the kitchen, cooked the porridge, and then went to the yard to fill the sink in the stable.

He Yuta loves horses like life. He used to feed horses by himself, but now he has a heavy schoolwork, and he leaves early and returns late every day. He can't take care of them all the time, so he handed this glorious task to Qingmei. Qingmei didn't dare to neglect, Quan Dang Xiangxiang was the third young master in the house and took good care of it.

When she walked to the "stable" in the past, Xiangxiang would pace back and forth when she heard her voice, but today it is quiet and unusual. Qiaomei was a little worried, could it be that she was ill? It has been very cold in recent days, and people are susceptible to wind and cold, not to mention horses. Qingmei walked to the stable and took a look with the wind lantern. She was stunned for a moment. After a while, she recovered and hurried to He Lisa's house, shouting as she ran: "Girl, the girl is not good! Xiangxiang... ...Xiangxiang was stolen..."

The door was pushed open, Qiaomei's voice stopped abruptly, and the room was empty and there was no one. She was flustered in her heart and looked around, but she didn't see He Lisa's shadow. She was startled for a moment and burst into tears.

With a "clang", the door was opened again, and a man's voice appeared in the yard: "What's the matter?"

Chiwu rubbed his forehead, and had to say that the He family was really poor. Except for three rooms in the yard, there are no other rooms. He Sui was a sincere person, and wanted to vacate his house for Chiwu to live in. He Yuta also reluctantly agreed to live in the same house with Chiwu, but Chiwu flatly refused. Although he didn't pay much attention to the sun, he didn't want to go to the point of life, go to the other's house as a guard to protect the host's safety, and protect it in the main house of the host's house. Finally after thinking about it, He Sui could only vacate the innermost room in the yard where the sundries were piled up.

The room is very small, after removing the clutter, only a bed can be placed. If Chiwu wants to leave, he has to lean over. Although he was also a guard at Xiao's family, his treatment was very different. Even though the He family had tried their best to provide him with the best conditions, many times, Chi Wu couldn't wait to pay for it out of his own pocket and let the He family change to a bigger house.

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