118: Chu Jaemin

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After the incident with Ridamuzi, the Liangzhou Garrison was quite busy for a period.

After burying the fallen soldiers and erecting memorial steles, they had to record the names in the military register. When they returned to Shuojing in the future, they would have to distribute compensation to the families of the deceased soldiers. Most of the fallen soldiers were young sentries, and they hadn't been in Liangzhou Garrison for even a year before meeting their demise. Their comrades who had spent day and night together were quite despondent for a while.

However, life had to go on, especially after this incident, Liangzhou Garrison was no longer as safe as before. Xiao Jungkook ordered Instructor Shen to begin training the new recruits in formation drills—only by mastering military formations could the new recruits hope to win in battle when they encountered enemies.

The Nanfu Army had not entirely arrived in Liangzhou yet. When Xiao Jungkook returned from Qingnan, he brought ten thousand soldiers from the Nanfu Army with him, but the Nine Banner Battalion remained in Qingnan and did not follow. With Liangzhou City now being a target, it was not suitable to draw attention.

The daily training of the Nanfu Army was different from that of Liangzhou Garrison, just as Xiao Jungkook had said; the duration and intensity of their training were three times that of Liangzhou Garrison. When Liangzhou's new recruits saw the Nanfu Army's dedication during training, they couldn't help but admire them.

As a result, the previously empty drill grounds became bustling with activity. There were soldiers' figures everywhere under the White Moon Mountain and along the Five Deer River.

HeLisa's injuries were also gradually improving day by day.

Lin Taehyung's medical skills were much more exquisite than Shen Muxue's, and initially, HeLisa thought that with her injuries, she would need at least a year or more to fully recover. However, at the rate things were progressing, she felt like she could be back on the training grounds in another two months.

Song Taotao placed a bowl of soup in front of HeLisa and watched as she finished it. Then, she left with the bowl. The young girl couldn't cook herself, so she often went to the sergeants' mess to steal food, taking advantage of her status as a young lady to feed HeLisa. Sometimes, HeLisa would feel like she was living off someone else, but after a while, she got used to it.

After all, the soup was delicious, and if only the young girl didn't look at her with such a loving gaze, it would be even better.

In the other part of the room, there were faint voices, and it seemed like it was Liang Ping. He sounded rather excited.

After some consideration, HeLisa got up from her bed.

She took out a piece of silver wire from her sleeve and picked the lock, which she had done many times before, becoming quite proficient. Fortunately, Xiao Jungkook had not changed the lock to a more complicated "士" character lock. He didn't seem to care too much about her snooping around.

HeLisa pushed the middle door open just a crack and saw a man kneeling in front of Xiao Jungkook. Surprisingly, it was Du Mao, whom she hadn't seen for a long time. Ever since the incident with Ridamuzi exposed the identity of Lei Hou being a spy, Du Mao had disappeared. HeLisa heard from Cheng Jimin that Du Mao had apparently been imprisoned. HeLisa understood this, as Lei Hou's betrayal implicated everyone close to him.

Now, Du Mao was here, which probably meant that he had been cleared of suspicion.

Apart from Du Mao, there were also several instructors standing there. HeLisa saw Liang Ping step forward and plead, "Commander, Du Mao and Lei Hou haven't seen each other for many years. Du Mao really didn't know about Lei Hou's treason. Please, Commander, show some leniency."

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