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The elevated platform on the training grounds, where the Chief Instructor usually spoke, was an open area perfect for sparring. The recruits gathered below, watching the two figures on the platform.

Opposite him stood He lisa. In comparison, she seemed like an underdeveloped youth, petite in stature and slender. Her facial features, however, were delicate and refined. Despite the intense training that had darkened her skin, she still appeared fairer than the surrounding recruits. Her presence wasn't that of a typical recruit; she resembled a young master from a prestigious household, emanating an air of elegance and charm.

hyun jin raised his long spear. "You go first."

hyun jin's expression changed, and he met her charge.

In an instant, their figures merged into a blur, accompanied by a series of continuous "thuds." It seemed as though they had exchanged dozens of strikes in a mere moment. Eventually, both took a step back, observing each other closely.

He lisa maintained her smile as she looked at hyun jin, while hyun jin appeared visibly surprised.

From the first clash, he realized that He lisa couldn't possibly be a novice in spear technique. In those initial exchanges, each move she made was perilous, leaving him with neither room to attack nor retreat.

He had initially held a high opinion of He lisa, but now it was clear that he had underestimated her.

The recruits below couldn't quite comprehend what had just transpired. They saw He lisa and hyun jin engage in only a few moves before stopping, leaving them unsatisfied. Some murmured discontentedly, "What just happened? Who gained the upper hand?"

"I took a sip of water and missed it all. Did you guys see what happened?"

On the training grounds, the instructors wore solemn expressions, their silence lingering.

Du Mao glanced at Liang Ping, who quickly waved his hands. "I don't know, don't ask me! She never revealed this level of skill while practicing before. I had no idea!"

While the recruits were perplexed, the instructors had a clear view. He lisa had held her own against hyun jin, and she might have even had the upper hand. hyun jin's spear technique was intricate and versatile, resembling a serpent in its agility. However, He lisa's seemingly unadorned style contained hidden strength, easily deflecting hyun jin's attacks.

"Liang Ping, you've really recruited an exceptional soldier," one instructor commented wryly.

Liang Ping felt a mixture of pride and apprehension. He lisa had concealed her abilities well. If it weren't for hyun jin's challenge, he would have considered her talented mainly in archery, with her spear skills being merely decent.

On the platform, hyun jin's gaze was fixed on He lisa. "Again!"

This time, hyun jin took the initiative with his spear, and He lisa met his advance. Their long spears clashed, their red tassels swaying in the wind. hyun jin's spear was swift and forceful, each strike aggressive and aimed at He lisa's vital points. Yet, He lisa simply tilted her head slightly, and the spear blade grazed her cheek as she evaded effortlessly.

hyun jin grew more serious, his spear technique becoming as fierce as a torrential rain. He unleashed attack after attack, trying to find a weakness in He lisa's defense. Remarkably, the young girl's movements were nimble, dodging each strike with ease. Her long spear transformed into an invulnerable shield, effectively parrying hyun jin's thrusts and preventing him from getting closer.

"Faster! Just a little faster, and he could take him down!" The recruits below watched anxiously.

"Why is He lisa only defending and not attacking? Doesn't she know spear techniques?"

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