128: Fake Couple

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"Do you like me?" His voice seemed to possess a bewitching power, keeping He Lisa rooted to the spot, unable to move a muscle. She couldn't help but swallow hard.

Xiao Jungkook slightly furrowed his brows. "He Lisa?"

"I..." He Lisa instinctively curled her fingers, pressing her fingertips into her palm.

This man was usually carefree, but as he drew near, he exuded an especially dangerous aura. He raised an eyebrow and his lips curved, his voice almost seductive as he asked once more, "Do you like me?"

"No... I don't like you," He Lisa said, the pain from her pinched fingers helping her regain her composure. She had to keep her wits about her, or she might blurt out something outrageous.

Meanwhile, Lin Taehyung, who had been present throughout, was left utterly dumbfounded.

Upon hearing her response, Xiao Jungkook didn't get angry. Instead, it seemed like he breathed a sigh of relief. He straightened up and raised an eyebrow, saying, "Very well, it's you."

"Me?" The ambiguous atmosphere just disappeared as He Lisa took a step back after gaining some space, and she couldn't help but look at him, saying, "What do you mean, 'me'?"

"Madam Qiao."

"Madam.... Qiao?" He Lisa was completely confused.

On the other hand, Lin Taehyung seemed to suddenly understand and walked over, saying, "You finally agreed to listen to me and think that my little sister He is the best choice, right?"

He Lisa became even more puzzled.

"This is a long story."

"Well then, take your time." He Lisa went to fetch them some chairs.

Xiao Jungkook glanced at her, turned his head slightly, and reminded her softly, "Put your clothes on first."

He Lisa looked down and realized that when Lin Taehyung knocked on the door, she had casually thrown on a garment without properly dressing, and now, while bending to move the chairs, her clothing had slipped off her shoulder.

Lin Taehyung said, "I didn't see anything!"

He Lisa felt that Xiao Jungkook was making a big deal out of nothing. She was wearing an undergarment, so there was nothing exposed. Xiao Jungkook was being overly proper. But since he had said it, she decided to adjust her clothing.

Once she had dressed appropriately, Xiao Jungkook explained the situation to her, focusing on the important details.

"The Commander's idea is for us to pretend to be a married couple and set off to Jilisag?" He Lisa slammed the table, "How can this be allowed? It will ruin my reputation!"

Pretending to be a nephew was one thing, but pretending to be a husband and wife meant she had to call Xiao Jungkook "husband." Just the thought of herself calling him "husband" was something He Lisa couldn't bear.

"Ruin your reputation?" Xiao Jungkook's beautiful eyes narrowed, and he smiled coldly, "Are you feeling wronged now?"

He Lisa: "..."

In a way, what he said was true. To outsiders, it would be Xiao Jungkook's reputation that would be tarnished.

But... What did he want? Wasn't it embarrassing for her?

Since Xiao Jungkook had a favor to ask of her, He Lisa raised her head and was about to negotiate, intending to make a deal. But then she heard him casually say, "If we pull this off, you can gain entry to the Nanfu's army."

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