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He Yuta felt like this dream was a bit too long.

He took a bite, and the sweet taste was unfamiliar. He lisa was spoiled to the extreme, and all the delicious things were given to her by He Sui. Yet, He lisa was not someone who liked to share.

Seeing him eating slowly, He lisa stuffed the remaining snacks into his hands and said, "You can have the rest. I'm full."

He Yuta didn't know what to do.

There were only the two of them in the He family. In the past, He Sui was just a carter who transported goods to the capital. On the way, he happened to encounter bandits, saving the young lady of a scholar's family from the city. He married her, and their marriage turned out to be blissful. The scholar's family had only one daughter, and He Sui had no parents, so he willingly married in as a son-in-law.

Although he was a son-in-law, their two children still took their father's surname.

Later, the scholar and his wife passed away, and Madam He became melancholic. When He Yuta was three years old, Madam He passed away as well, leaving the three of them to rely on each other.

He Sui and his wife were deeply in love, and He lisa looked a lot like her late mother. Perhaps because of this, He Sui doted on He lisa even more. Although the He family was not wealthy, He Sui always did his best to satisfy He lisa's needs. Over time, He lisa developed an annoying personality, and He Yuta couldn't bring himself to love his sister.

"Do you chop wood on the mountain every day?" He lisa asked, "What do you do in the afternoon? Don't you go to school?"

He Yuta was only one year younger than He lisa, fifteen years old this year. At this age, children should still be attending school.

"After going back, I make da nai cake and sell it in the stall in the afternoon. As for school, it's fine" He Yuta casually replied, "We don't have money at home, and I'm not cut out for studying. I'm satisfied with knowing a few characters."

After a pause, she asked, "What do you want to do in the future?"

"Why are you asking about that?" He Yuta was skeptical, but after a moment, he still answered He lisa's question, "Now, I go to the training ground every day. In the future, as long as I pass the assessment, I can join the City Garrison and gradually become a military official, earning a decent income."

"Is that it? You want to be a military officer?" He lisa smiled, "I thought you would want to do something else."

"What else can I do?" He Yuta self-deprecatingly said, "Could I become the Flying Phoenix General? Even though we share the same surname, he's much more formidable than us."

Suddenly, He lisa heard her name from He Yuta's mouth and was taken aback. She remained silent for a while before asking, "You know the Flying Phoenix General?"

"Of course! Who in Da Wei doesn't know him? The Flying Phoenix General pacified the Western Qiang, and General Fengyun took care of the Southern Barbarians. With He in the North and Xiao in the South, Da Wei flourished in peace and prosperity! They were young heroes, full of spirit! If I could become someone like them, even if it meant dying, it would be worth it!" He Yuta exclaimed passionately.

He lisa burst into laughter.

He Yuta was furious, "What are you laughing at?"

"Just chopping wood and selling da nai cake won't make you become like them. the Flying Phoenix General and General Feng Yun didn't achieve their success by casually practicing at the training ground."

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