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208: Explore

At night, people slept, but the hall of the He family was still brightly lit.

Mrs. He stood in the center of the room, beside her is the maid Cuier, who went up the mountain with her today. He Yuanliang and He Yuansheng were sitting on two sides separately. He Rufei sat on the chair beside him, his eyes darkened. Sweeping through Madam He, I don't know what I'm thinking.

"Second aunt, what did you say to Xiao Jeongguk in Yuhua Temple today?" After a while, He Rufei said, "Now that Xiao Jeongguk is back to Beijing, the situation in Beijing has been disrupted again. At this time, every step Both are critical. The Xiao family and our He family... are not the same people."

"I didn't say anything." Madam He said softly, her eyes flat, "just glanced at his fiancee."

Xiao Jungkook's fiancée is He Lisa, a name that the He family is unwilling to mention, which always reminds them of the bad things in the past.

He Rufei smiled, "What the second aunt is doing? The cousin has passed away. Even if he has the same name and surname, you would not think that He Lisa is your dead daughter."

"I told you a long time ago," He Yuanliang has already put away his usual smile on weekdays, his face is extremely ugly, "Don't mention He Lisa anymore, He Lisa is dead, it's over. You want to kill our whole family!"

Tuier knelt on the ground, her body trembling non-stop. She had already been bought by Madam Heda. Don't say she was going out, even in the house, Madam He's every move would be reported to Madam Heda. The same was true this time up the mountain. She failed to use the Zhai dishes with Madam He, and only saw Madam He talking with Xiao Jungkook from a distance. After returning to the house, she couldn't wait to inform Madam He about the matter, thinking about taking credit. Rewarded.

But now, Tweety regrets it. The secrets that the He family said did not avoid her... This is definitely not because of trust, but because a dead person, even if he knows the secret, it is useless.

She never had a chance to reveal the secret.

"She is dead," Madam He looked at him, and a trace of anger was born in her originally dumb eyes, "She can't harm the He Family, it's the He Family that harmed her!"

"What do you mean?" Madam He's face turned cold, her tone was very dissatisfied, "Are you resenting us now? You knew it when you made the decision. Moreover, this is also for the whole He family. !"

"What do you mean for the whole He family?" Madam He sneered, "When I made the decision, did I have the right to choose? She didn't die for the whole He family, she died for your greed. You guys. Killed my daughter, but there is no guilt or regret. She is dead, I just want to see my daughter again, even if it has the same name and surname, even if I know it's impossible, I want to see my daughter! "

At the end of the talk, I was already hysterical.

"Second brother," He Yuansheng frowned slightly, "How do you discipline your wife?"

He Yuanliang said angrily: "She is a lunatic! I said that keeping her is a curse!"

"You kill me," Madam He smirked with desperate madness in her eyes, "Kill me, I will not be afraid of being known the secret, kill me, I can also go to the ground to reunite with my daughter. I want to see from the sky, how long can the stolen glory and wealth last for those of you who have stolen the destiny of others? Even if you are ghosts, I will curse you underground every day. All of you ask for nothing, you all Don't die well!"

In the night, these words were very strange, and He Yuanliang said angrily: "It's crazy, it's all crazy!"

He Rufei's eyes were cold, and he said faintly: "Second aunt, don't say that, even if you go underground, your cousin may not be willing to reunite with you-after all, you were the one who pushed her on that road. You are not qualified to be her mother, even if she goes underground, she will resent you."

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