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Empty-handed on their way to the drill ground, returning with a horse in tow.

But that General Fengyun was even more handsome and elegant than the rumors suggested. When would He Yuta ever become someone like Second Young Master Xiao?

He Sui glanced at He Yuta, who seemed lost in thought, and couldn't help but wonder where his mind had flown off to. It was rare to see him so full of spirit. Then, he looked at He lisa, who had her face covered but appeared to be troubled.

Thinking of this, He Sui also became troubled.

When they arrived home, the tofu seller next door, Auntie Li, looked curiously at them and pulled He Sui aside, asking with concern, "Big Brother He, is there something wrong at home? It seems like lili and Yuta have something on their minds."

He Sui was at a loss for words.

Once inside the house, Qing Mei had already prepared dinner, and everyone sat down to eat their porridge. Amidst the meal, He Sui finally remembered to ask, "lili, was there something going on at the drill ground today that brought you there?"

He lisa snapped back to reality and said to He Sui, "Well, you see, I had intended to talk to father about something today. Yuta is at the age where he should enter the academy. His casual martial arts training won't compare to learning from a master. It's still not too late, as spring is the time for students to enter the academy. What do you think, father?"

He Sui was taken aback for a moment, not sure whether to be happy that his daughter was starting to care about her younger brother's future or to worry about how to respond to her question.

"lili, I've thought about this before, but currently... we're a bit short on money," he awkwardly scratched the back of his head, "we might have to wait a bit until I receive my monthly pay and gather some more funds."

He Yuta kept his head down while eating, but his ears perked up. He knew that his father didn't earn money easily, and he felt that mentioning this matter was being unfilial. However, before he could muster up the courage to talk about it, He lisa spoke up, taking the words out of his mouth.

"Don't worry about the money," He lisa got up and went to the inner room. After a moment, she came out holding a makeup box. She opened it, and the jewelry and silver inside dazzled the eyes of He Sui and Qingmei.

The chopsticks in He Sui's hand dropped with a loud clatter. "lili... where did this money come from?"

"It's the money Yuta won at the Le Tong Manor," He lisa replied calmly.

He Yuta sprayed the porridge he was drinking all over the place.

"He lisa!"

He Yuta moved his lips but remained silent.

What could he say? Should he claim that He lisa was the one who gambled? Even he himself wouldn't believe that. Besides, He lisa was wearing his clothes that day, and others only remembered a young man. It was impossible to clear things up. Moreover... he thought of He lisa stepping forward to race against Young Master Zhao on his behalf, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of empathy.

Let it be for the sake of loyalty, he decided to shoulder this blame!

He Yuta said, "Yes, it was me who won the money gambling. Father, let's use this silver to enter the academy!"

He Sui looked at him sternly, "This is money you won at a gambling house?"

"You won a big victory on your first visit to the gambling house?"

"That's right."

"That's right... that's right!" He Sui suddenly erupted in anger, slammed the table, and grabbed a wooden board from the table, smashing it toward He Yuta. "You ungrateful child! How dare you go to Le Tong Manor!"

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