138: My Name

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Water God Festival, the whole event, would take at least half an hour to conclude.

When He Lisa and Xiao Jungkook descended, it was already getting late. Ling Xiu and Yan Miner had already disappeared, and Wei Yiniang said, "You've been strolling all day without eating. The young master and Miss Yuyan must be hungry, right?"

He Lisa touched her stomach, "I'm fine."

"Then let's go have a meal," Cui Yuezhi said, "There are several good restaurants in Jiyang. Which one would Miss Yuyan like to go to?"

"I think..." He Lisa pointed to the black canopy boat on the river, "Let's eat on that."

She had just seen that many people were on small boats, and there was a stove at the bow of the boat, and she didn't know what was being cooked, probably some kind of soup. The remaining food and drinks were bought from vendors on the riverbank or on the river while on the boat. People could eat while looking at the bustling scenery on both sides, observing the river's customs, which was quite unique.

She had never been to Jiyang before and found it fresh, so she wanted to try it.

"That's the Firefly Boat," Wei Yiniang explained with a smile. "In the evening, the boatmen will take the boat to the Firefly Spring. In Jiyang, the weather is warm, so even without summer, there are fireflies. By the side of the Firefly Spring in the woods, they rock the boat at night, and you can see fireflies all over the riverbank, it's very beautiful! One year, I was fortunate enough to go with the old master, and now thinking about it, it's simply breathtaking."

He Lisa, upon hearing this, was even more eager to go and looked at Cui Yuezhi, "Uncle, what if we take this Firefly Boat?"

"Ladies all like these," Cui Yuezhi smiled and waved his hand, "I won't go, the Firefly Boat is prepared for couples or lovers. With so many of us, we can't all fit on one boat."

He Lisa's words got stuck in her throat, and she thought that Jiyang's Water God Festival might be similar to the Qixi Festival in the Central Plains. It seemed unfriendly to those without a significant other. Without a lover, did that mean she had no right to see the legendary Firefly Spring? That wouldn't be fair!

"Since Miss Yuyan wants to go, why don't you and Master Huanqing go together?" Wei Yiniang smiled and suggested, "There are many other boats around, and there should be a waterborne stage on the way tonight, it should be lively."

He Lisa was torn. She really wanted to experience it, but Xiao Jungkook... might not be willing.

She turned to Xiao Jungkook and tentatively asked, "Young Master?"

"Absolutely not."

"Young Master, my desire to go is genuine."

Xiao Jungkook curled his lips and said, "It seems you're pushing your luck."

"I've never seen what a large group of fireflies looks like," He Lisa whispered, "Now that we're here, don't you want to see? Don't think of me as a woman, just think of me as a subordinate. Let's take a look at the local customs as we pass by this place."

"Young Master, husband?" He Lisa tried to please him.

Xiao Jungkook's lips twitched, "Speak properly."

"If you don't agree, this wife will just keep talking like this."

Wei Yiniang couldn't help but laugh, as if she couldn't stand to see this little couple's teasing, she whispered a few words to Cui Yuezhi. Cui Yuezhi nodded, and Wei Yiniang signaled to someone by the river, finding a boat and said to He Lisa and Xiao Jungkook, "The master has already paid, and tonight the boatman on this boat will take you around Jiyang River. If you come across something delicious or fun, just buy it. When the time comes, he will also take you to the Firefly Spring." She paused and added, "I wanted to have you bring a few guards with you, but the city garrison patrols will be by the Firefly Spring, so there shouldn't be any problems. But if you're not at ease, you can..."

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