149: Chu Jaemin's Past

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When He Lisa returned to the room, the lamp inside was still lit. Two maids were lying on a side couch in the outer room, playing with a flower rope. When they saw He Lisa, they quickly got up and said, "Madam."

He Lisa whispered, "It's alright, go to sleep. I'm going into the room to rest. Has the young master gone to bed?"

Cui Jiao shook her head, "The young master has been reading all along."

He Lisa nodded, "I see. You should rest soon too."

She pushed the door open and entered the inner room. There, Xiao Jungkook was sitting at the table, reading a long scroll. He was only wearing an inner garment, and the loose white cloth hung from his shoulders, revealing his jade-like skin, delicate collarbones, and a brilliant moon-like complexion.

He Lisa closed the door and walked towards him, asking, "Commander?"

Xiao Jungkook glanced at her faintly and didn't say a word.

"I thought you were asleep," He Lisa said as she unfastened the whip from her waist and casually hung it on the wall. The tassel on the whip swayed like a rosy light with her movement, and a red garnet pomegranate was particularly eye-catching. Xiao Jungkook's gaze fell on the tassel.

Seeing him looking, He Lisa took the whip down and handed it to Xiao Jungkook, saying, "How is it, Commander? Does it look good? This was a gift from Fourth Young Master Chu."

"Chu Jaemin is indeed generous," Xiao Jungkook replied, his tone calm. "Such a valuable item, he didn't think it was a waste to give it to you."

"Valuable?" He Lisa was surprised. "Fourth Young Master Chu said the pomegranate was fake jade and not worth much. I only accepted it after he told me that."

"Oh," he raised an eyebrow and scoffed, "then he's considerate."

"Is it really that valuable?" He Lisa felt a bit uneasy. "In that case, I should return it to him tomorrow. It's better to be clear about money matters, in case there are any problems in the future."

Xiao Jungkook said, "Keep it. Don't you really like him?"

"Like him?" He Lisa was shocked. She didn't even know herself!

"I originally didn't want to meddle in your affairs, but I have to remind you," the young man's brows and eyes looked extraordinarily handsome under the lamplight, his dark eyes carried a hint of chilling indifference. "Chu Jaemin is favored by Xu Jingfu and is his designated son-in-law. If you don't want to die, keep your distance from him."

Xu Pingting was the apple of Xu Jingfu's eye and seemed to like Chu Jaemin. Lin Taehyung had also mentioned this to her, but what did it have to do with her? Not to mention whether she liked Chu Jaemin or not, someone as polite and courteous as Chu Jaemin would never be interested in a woman who sat cross-legged on the bed and practiced martial arts.

Xiao Jungkook was really meddling.

"Commander, I think you're too concerned about Fourth Young Master Chu, to the point where you're prejudiced against me," she squeezed in beside Xiao Jungkook and bent down to look at the scroll he was holding. "It's late, what are you reading?"

Xiao Jungkook ignored her, so He Lisa stood behind him and stretched her neck to look. After a while, she asked, "It's a military defense diagram, right? How about it, do you see any issues?"

"Your tone," Xiao Jungkook calmly spoke, "makes it sound like you are the commander."

He Lisa immediately withdrew the hand resting on his shoulder, fetched a stool, and sat next to him, saying, "I'm just too concerned. Princess Mengji has been overseeing the relocation of the people in Jiyang City these past few days. It won't be long before the Wutuo people learn about it. Once they receive the news, they will quickly mobilize their forces. But there are very few soldiers in Jiyang City, and the Wutuo people won't bring anything less than a hundred thousand troops to attack the city."

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