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When He Lisa and Xiao Jungkook returned to He's house, He Sui and He Yuta actually sat in the house properly. He Lisa was stunned for a moment, a little surprised, he was so peaceful today. But He Sui saw Xiao Jungkook, got up and laughed: "When I came back, I heard Chiwu guards say that Governor Xiao took the little girl out, and now I'm back, I don't know if I have eaten before, do you want to use it together?"

He Lisa said: "It's used, it's not necessary." Turning his head to look at Chiwu standing on the side, Chiwu looked away as if nothing had happened. He Lisa said in his heart, heh, the two masters and servants were in collusion, not only lied to himself, but also lied with his old father.

"Uncle tells me to Jeongguk." Xiao Jungkook said.

He Yuta choked "kekekeke".

He Sui glared at He Yuta, and stuffed him with a biscuits, "Eat well! There are still guests at home, and the rice is sprayed everywhere. It's rude!"

He Lisa then said: "It's okay, father, Yuta, eat it, I have something to say to Xiao Jungkook, go to the house." After that, he took Xiao Jungkook and left.

If she stayed here any longer, she would be uncomfortable looking at Daddy He herself.

He Sui smiled lovingly: "Go."

After the two of them left, He Yuta pulled the sentry out of his mouth and said dullly: "Father, is this really good?"


"He Lisa took the man into the boudoir, what did it look like? When Fan Cheng was there before, He Lisa ran out to see him more and you would be furious at home. Why did you change to Governor Xiao, Dad? Are you so tolerant?"

He Sui scolded him: "Can Governor Xiao be the same as Fan Cheng?"

"They are all men, what's the difference."

He Sui looked at He Yuta, also puzzled, "You used to admire General Feng Yun the most, why are you awkward now?"

He Yuta put his chopsticks on the table and said in an aura: "General Feng Yun can't go to the woman's boudoir without getting married."

"Did he drill it himself?" He Sui slapped his head, "You don't have eyes, it was your sister who dragged it in!"

There is no way to refute this. He Yuta sullen his cheeks for a long time, gnashing his teeth and said: "It's really an unbelievable fellow, his color makes his mind dizzy!"


He Lisa didn't know that her talented behavior had caused a dispute between the old father and the stupid brother in the house. She dragged Xiao Jungkook into her room, closed the door, and lit the oil lamp with the fire fold. "Okay." , No one is there now."

As soon as Xiao Jungkookfu entered the room, he felt almost blind.

The bells and whistles in this room are completely different from He Lisa's temperament. There are rouge gouache, sachets and curtains everywhere. I don't know. I thought there was a beautiful lady living in it. But when I looked back, the heroine who jumped on the table and was pouring tea was placed in this room, which is really a hindrance. Observe.

He picked up a bronze mirror engraved with flowers on the table and asked inexplicably: "Do you like this?"

He Lisa glanced at it: "How can it be? This is all left by the original Miss He Da." She returned to her senses, "Don't think I like this. It's just that if everything is removed, and The past was very different, which is arousing suspicion. And..." She sighed, "I dove over the magpie's nest, and I feel sorry for it. If all these things are replaced or replaced, I am afraid that I will be in the Palace of the Hades in the future. Miss Heda asked me to settle the account."

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