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204: Detection

He Lisa is a woman, and the fact that he was married to Xiao Jungkook by his majesty has caused more shock than this. The Shen family in the capital is deadly quiet today.

Shen Muxue knelt on the ground, bowed her head and said nothing. Duke Shen and Madam Shen stood aside, Madam Shen was worried, and she stopped talking. After a long while, Duke Shen opened her mouth and looked towards standing in the hall. Shen Yushi, with a cold face on his back, comforted softly: "My sister is also confused for a while, and my father should not blame her too much."

"Confused for a while?" Shen Yushi turned around, his gaze fell on Shen Muxue, he didn't know whether it was distressed or angry, and said: "I am a family member of the Shen family. I am proud and straightforward. I didn't expect to have a daughter. , I don't know when to learn those secret methods. She is confused for a while, and if she is not careful, she will kill others!"

Shen Yushi was very thin and clear. Although he is getting older now, he can still vaguely see how young he was when he was young. The arrogance and indifference between his eyebrows and eyes are the same as Shen Muxue's. He always treated his son harshly, but treated this daughter extra tolerantly. It was the first time that Shen Muxue was angry with Shen Muxue. Even then Shen Muxue must follow Xiao Jungkook to the border, Shen Yushi Not as angry as it is today.

"You can't say that," Madam Shen felt sorry for her daughter. "That He Lisa is a daughter, and Mu Xue is just telling the truth. If she hadn't deceived your Majesty first, how could she be exposed by others. She made a mistake. You deserve to be punished. You just say that Mu Xue's is not, but Mu Xue is truly for the sake of your Majesty. You can't let a woman bluff and deceive as a man, right?"

As soon as the words were spoken, Shen Yushi glanced at her coldly, and Mrs. Shen was afraid to speak. Shen Yushi said: "Absurd! You only saw her disguised as a man to join the army and deceive the world. Why didn't you see her leading her troops to deal with the Utuo? The Jiyang water battle, Rundu defending the city... You think the meritorious service is very good. Earn? If there is no merit to save the common people, how could your majesty promote her to Wu'anhou so easily. Besides," he stared at his daughter, "I heard that when I was in Liangzhou, there were spies who entered the guard station. You I don't know the details, or He Lisa will take you away. No matter what the result is, she will always help you. Since I was a child, I taught you that the kindness of dripping water should be repaid by the spring. You have to keep it in your heart. I didn't expect you to keep that in your heart."

Shen Muxue lowered her head and said nothing.

"I didn't expect that," Shen Yushi seemed to be about to finish in one breath, "not only do you want to be a villain who exposes her identity, you also dare not stand up openly and hide in Wang Rong. Behind him, you know that this will also harm Wang Rong!"

Shen Muxue's body trembled slightly.

At the palace banquet, the stranger who said He Lisa was a woman was named Wang Rong, and she was also her childhood sweetheart. The two of them have known each other for a long time. Wang Rong's father and Shen Yushi have made friends, and Shen Muxue knows that Wang Rong likes herself, but her heart rests on Xiao Jungkook.

It's not that I never thought of letting me stand up and expose it myself, but in the end, she couldn't get that hand off. She was afraid that He Lisa would die because of it. She didn't think about killing He Lisa, but only hoped that He Lisa could leave Xiao. Jungkook farther away. She was even more afraid of facing Xiao Jungkook's disappointed and indifferent look towards her. When Wang Rong came to Shen's house, he saw Shen Muxue's sadness and asked aloud, Shen Muxue couldn't help but tells her confusion and troubles. After Wang Rong listened, he turned around and left without saying a word. Said: "You are waiting."

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