139: Liu Buwang

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The boat floated on the water, and fireflies gradually disappeared into the deep forest.

The young girl leaned on the young man's shoulder and fell asleep without realizing it. The boatman stood up at the front of the boat and was about to speak, but Xiao Jungkook shook his head imperceptibly, and the boatman, understanding, did not wake her up or paddle. They let the boat drift.

Xiao Jungkook just sat there, gazing at the water. The water was calm, occasionally rippled by the wind, creating layers of ripples. He turned his head to look at the girl who was sleeping soundly on his shoulder. She didn't seem to care about her appearance like most girls. There appeared to be a glistening wet trace at the corner of her lips, and she even drooled a little.

He turned his head away with some disgust, then looked at the water in the distance. After a while, he lowered his head and gave a helpless smile.

In the end, he didn't push her away.


He Lisa had a rare good night's sleep and had even had a pleasant dream, but she had forgotten the details upon waking.

When she opened her eyes, she found herself lying on a soft mat on the boat, covered with a thin blanket. She sat up, saw Xiao Jungkook sitting at the front of the boat, and called out, "Young Master!"

He turned around to look at He Lisa and said, "Freshen up, it's time to go back."

He Lisa was momentarily surprised, only then realizing they had spent the entire night at the Firefly Spring. The other firefly boats had already dispersed, leaving only theirs. He Lisa yawned, used the boat's clear water to freshen up, and tied her hair into a man's style since Cui Jiao and Hong Qiao weren't around.

She stepped off the boat, just as the boatman was talking to Xiao Jungkook. "Young Master, go straight to the edge of the spring, walk a few dozen steps forward, and you'll find an inn. Next to the inn, you can hire a carriage to return. They don't allow firefly boats on the canal during the daytime."

Xiao Jungkook paid the boatman and walked ashore, telling He Lisa, "Let's go."

He Lisa thanked the boatman and hurriedly got off the boat.

It was early in the morning, and dewdrops glistened on the wide leaves of the grass and trees, giving off a cool morning air. He Lisa yawned again and asked Xiao Jungkook, "Commander, did I fall asleep last night? Why didn't you wake me up? We've been here all night."

Xiao Jungkook sneered, "I don't know who snored so loudly last night; it was impossible to wake up."

"No way?" He Lisa was quite skeptical. "You're not trying to fool me, are you?"

"I'm not you."

As they continued to talk, they didn't go far before they saw the inn the boatman mentioned. Next to the inn, there was a noodle shop where the owner was cooking noodles in a large iron pot, and the aroma wafted through the air.

He Lisa hadn't eaten in the morning, and she was feeling hungry. She said, "Let's eat something before taking the carriage." Without waiting for Xiao Jungkook's response, she waved to the owner and ordered, "Two bowls of noodles and a steamer of buns."

She had a good appetite, and she and Xiao Jungkook sat down at a table outside the straw shed. The freshly baked buns were steaming hot and a bit too hot to handle. He Lisa held one in her hand and blew on it to cool it down.

Xiao Jungkook wasn't as impatient as her, and when the noodles arrived, he ate slowly, watching He Lisa enjoying her meal, with oil stains all over her face. He found it rather amusing.

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