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Ten days passed in the blink of an eye.

Unintentionally overhearing this, He lisa thought, "..."

However, no matter what they say, the bets reveal people's true intentions. The total bet on He lisa's victory consists of only three pieces of dry bread, bambam, Sehun, and Hong mingyu each contributing one piece.

Apart from them, what surprised He lisa was an unknown person who placed a bet of ten pieces of beef jerky on him.

"Who's the big spender?" bambam pondered. "To bet so much on Brother Ah He, they must be really wealthy."

"Not only wealthy, but also insightful," He lisa thought. Finally, someone clever had emerged in the camp.

Hong mingyu glanced at He lisa. "It's a shame their brain is messed up."

"Big Brother Shan, you can't say that. This person must really admire Brother Ah He and is secretly supporting him. If I had that much beef jerky, I would also place a bet on Brother Ah He."

Sehun asked her, "Are you really going to do this?" His eyes were filled with doubt.

"I've said it before, I've always had good luck," He lisa smiled.

When she arrived at the training ground, she noticed that quite a few people had already gathered around Instructor Liang. Upon seeing He lisa, someone shouted excitedly, "He lisa is here!" In an instant, a large crowd rushed over.

"He actually didn't run away, he really came!"

"Quick, have you all prepared the dry bread?"

He lisa: "..."

This star-studded treatment was somewhat unusual for her. Instructor Liang looked on coldly. While private gambling was strictly prohibited in the camp, they were using dry bread, and given the circumstances, the Head Instructor didn't seem inclined to intervene. As for Liang Ping, he didn't say much either. Moreover, he was also caught up in the excitement and wanted to see the outcome.

After all, people inherently had a gambling streak to some extent.

Just as He lisa was about to walk over, she noticed a youth in licorice yellow attire standing beside Liang Ping. The youth had rosy lips, pearly white teeth, and a radiant appearance, looking quite familiar. He lisa felt like she had seen him somewhere before and looked at him.

When the youth saw her gaze, he flashed a big smile and approached her enthusiastically. "So, you're He lisa!"

Was this person here to see her as well? However, judging by the youth's attire, he didn't seem like a new recruit in the camp, nor did he appear to be an instructor. He was different from the distinguished young men of noble families in the capital.

"I've heard about you for a while. I really admire you! I want to be sworn brothers with you. From now on, we'll be brothers, how about it?" he said.

He lisa was bewildered. This person was already suggesting a sworn brotherhood from the get-go, and she didn't even know his name or surname.

At that moment, Instructor Liang stepped forward and smiled at the youth. "Young Master Cheng, the Commander requests that you stay a bit farther from the crossbows."

Xiao Jungkook? Suddenly, He lisa remembered where she had seen this youth before. She had been in the training ground with He Yuta, secretly intervening to teach Young Master Zhao a lesson, causing him to take out his anger on his own horse. Xiao Jungkook had stopped him from killing the horse in public. Accompanying Xiao Jungkook at the time was this refined young master.

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