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97: Do Not Look If It's Inappropriate

He Lisa didn't immediately sit up, but rather groaned while holding her head, her mind occupied with other thoughts.

It turned out that Yuan Baozhen had indeed come to test her. First, he wanted to test how she had discovered the issue with the wine cup. Second, he wanted to see if she was truly blind. This man was extremely calculating, even arranging for Ding Yi to play a part, specifically to observe her reactions. If there was even a slight deviation in how she responded, it might lead to other suspicions between her and her servant.

Her hearing was exceptional, and she had already heard Ding Yi's movements earlier. She also knew that Yuan Baozhen hadn't left immediately, so she deliberately cooperated with them to act out the scenario that Yuan Baozhen wanted to see. But while Yuan Baozhen was testing her, she was also testing him.

Despite their significant connection, they insisted on describing it as mere acquaintance. However, Ding Yi, the servant of He Rufei, wouldn't be here without a good reason. As for the wine, it indeed had an issue. But what puzzled He Lisa the most was the role He Rufei played in all of this. Was he conspiring with Yuan Baozhen to harm Xiao Jungkook? Or was he the mastermind himself? Or perhaps they were both acting on behalf of someone else?

Next, she would have to follow Ding Yi to find out what these two were up to.

"I just bumped my head a moment ago," He Lisa replied absently, reaching out to grab him. "Big Brother Fei Nu, come help me up. I've sprained my ankle."

Fei Nu stepped forward to assist her, but since her eyes were covered with a cloth, he couldn't see her emotions. He had no idea what He Lisa was thinking at the moment.

In fact, the performance earlier was not only for Yuan Baozhen's benefit but also for Fei Nu's.

Yuan Baozhen and Ding Yi were both intent on testing He Lisa, but they failed to notice that Fei Nu had been standing at the door, listening to the commotion inside. They were unaware, but He Lisa had noticed. Fei Nu had simply removed the bowls and plates, but his prolonged absence was more than it seemed, like a mantis stalking its prey while unaware of the lurking bird of prey.

He Lisa couldn't quite fathom why this was happening. She pondered over the fact that she hadn't done anything to arouse suspicion. Now that she was in this place, her interactions with Yuan Baozhen were minimal, and they had no prior history together. She couldn't understand why she was being doubted.

She decided to brush it off as mere suspicion and carried on with the act. "Big Brother Fei Nu, where did you go just now? That Imperial Censor Yuan sat with me for a while, and you didn't even notice."

Fei Nu avoided her question and simply asked, "How's your head?"

He Lisa touched her head and said, "It's swollen quite a bit. I don't know when it'll go away." She sighed deeply, "This is like the Feast at Hongmen. I think my little brother is quite clever not to have come. It's much more dangerous than being forced into marriage."

If it were Cheng Jimin in this situation, it's unclear how things would have unfolded.

"You rest for a while," Fei Nu's voice carried no discernible emotion. "I'll be right outside. Call me if you need anything."

He left again.

He Lisa laid on the bed, blindfolded by the cloth. Fei Nu couldn't see her expression, and she couldn't gauge his reaction either; they were both inscrutable.

She had no idea when Xiao Jungkook would return.


Xiao Jungkook returned late in the night.

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