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224: Evidence

Except for the little boy who just got up in the middle of the night to go to the latrine, after that, the journey went smoothly, and no one else was encountered. He Lisa cautiously walked to the door of a room, approached Xiao Jungkook's ear and whispered: "This is He Rufei's study."

This turned out to be He Lisa's study. It's just now He Rufei's. After walking around for a while, he didn't find any other organs, so He Lisa gently pushed the door and walked in.

Where I live, I was already familiar with the road when I left. Xiao Jungkook went in with her. He Lisa was a little surprised as soon as he went in.

The bookshelf is still the original bookshelf, and the table is the same as the original table, but the furnishings in the study are more than a few times longer, and there are all kinds of porcelain and antiques, which are completely different from when He Lisa lived in the past. She guessed that He Rufei had put all the things his Majesty rewarded in the study, and she didn't know who was showing it to him. The bookshelf used to be only half full of books, but now it is full.

On the wall in the middle, there is a sword hung with a green body and a greenish color on the scabbard, which is exactly green.

She was stunned for a moment, her eyes fixed on the Qinglang sword unconsciously, and she wanted to reach out for the sword, but she took it back when her fingers were about to touch the blade.

Xiao Jungkook asked: "What?"

He Lisa shook his head: "It's not the time yet."

Even if she can steal the Qing Lang sword back tonight, if He is not sure to report to the official tomorrow, the sword in her hand will become "stolen goods", and she will not be able to appear in front of people in an open manner. Is this not for Qing Lang? insult?

So, it's not the time yet.

He Lisa thought for a while, got up and walked to the bookshelf, squatted down, half of his body was lying on the ground, reaching for the innermost, when he touched a familiar bulge, the secret grid made a slight sound The "click" was actually an empty mezzanine. From the mezzanine, He Lisa took out a small box with the size of a palm.

Xiao Jungkook asked: "What is this?"

"Linglong box." He Lisa whispered back: "The reward that your Majesty gave me at the beginning, there is only one in the world. After I left, I gave this thing to He Rufei. I expected him to be reluctant to throw it away." /

The hidden box on the bookshelf was created by He Lisa in the past. This exquisite box is precious. Before she married to the Xu family, she could not take these things with him, so she gave them all to He Rufei. The Linglong box is very suitable for storing secret scrolls. Even the best craftsmen in the world can't open it. Only the person who has set the method for the Linglong box knows how to open it. And the way of unlocking can only be set once.

This thing is so precious, with He Rufei's temperament, it shouldn't be discarded. What's more, in He Rufei's view, He Lisa is dead, he is the only one in the world who knows how to untie the Linglong box, and of course he is happy to relax.

He didn't expect that He Lisa would come back from the dead, this time it was convenient.

"I don't know what he put in it." He Lisa said in his heart, picking up the Linglong box, and according to the memory in his mind, gently twisted the blind man's lock, but after a while, the lid of the Linglong box opened with a "pop" NS.

The two looked into the box.


In Mrs. He's room, He Xinying and Mrs. He were sitting on the bedside, holding a military book stolen from Xujia He Lisa's old residence in their hands, and asked: "Mother, what is this? It's me. Did my sister stay? What is she doing with this?"

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