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"Instructor Liang, you haven't told me yet, how is archery compared in this riding contest?" He lisa looked at Liang Ping by her side, "Is it about who has more prey, or who reaches the end of the horse track first?"

After hearing this, He lisa nodded and said, "Okay."

Liang Ping couldn't help but give her a glance. The most common phrase this young person used was "okay." Whether facing san, hyun jin, or min hyuk, and now in front of these instructors, it was still "okay." He wondered when he might hear the word "not okay."

The horse He lisa was riding was much more well-behaved than the one He Sui had gotten in the capital city's training ground. It should have been specially trained. With just a slight command from her, the horse understood. She also noticed that among the other three, while Liang Ping and Du Mao were skilled in horsemanship, they couldn't compare to the seemingly unremarkable Ma Damei. Ma Damei's horsemanship was on par with her own, perhaps even superior, though he hadn't fully demonstrated it.

As she observed these three, the others were also watching her. When Du Mao glanced over, he nearly popped his eyes out. He lisa wasn't even using a riding crop?

She had the riding crop slung diagonally across her arm as she directed the horse to run, lightly patting its flank with her hand. This wasn't a leisurely ride like a city nobleman enjoying the countryside; what was he up to? What surprised him even more was how casual she was about it, yet she still managed to keep pace with the instructors, even mustering a smile in their direction.

Du Mao quickly averted his gaze.

The targets were smaller than those at the training grounds, only about the size of a palm. They weren't very noticeable, and hitting them with a bow and arrow wasn't easy; it required keen eyesight and precise movements. Just as He lisa was about to release her arrows, Liang Ping and Du Mao exchanged a glance. One in front and one behind, they suddenly exerted force, squeezing their horses toward He lisa and causing her horse to veer off to the side, preventing her from shooting her arrows.

Startled, He lisa was jostled a few times and hastily pulled the reins to steady herself. She looked at Liang Ping and Du Mao, and both of them were casually shooting their arrows as if nothing had happened. Du Mao even called out to her, "He lisa, be careful not to fall off!"

It was as if they weren't the ones who had just disturbed her.

Liang Ping and Du Mao's arrows had already been released when a sudden green arrow shot out from an angle, striking their arrows in mid-air with a resounding "clang" and changing their trajectory, causing them to fall to the ground.

Both of them turned their gaze toward He lisa. She shrugged and said, "Instructors, it seems like your archery skills are a bit lacking."

Liang Ping: "..."

This young person was really one to bear a grudge, not sparing them with her words. Her arrogance knew no bounds.

He lisa was about to restring her bow, but before she could draw the arrow, her body was jolted again. The old man, Ma Damei, had caught up from behind and chuckled, "Young sir, take your time. No need to rush."

He lisa  couldn't draw the bow. Every time she made a move, the three of them would come from behind, from the front, from the sides, casually brushing against her, making the horses startle repeatedly. She couldn't aim properly.

Outnumbered and unable to contend, and considering this was an archery competition, she couldn't exactly fight these instructors. But to leave it at this was not something He lisa could accept.

He lisa's gaze shifted slightly as she murmured, "Trying to scheme against me? No way!"

Suddenly, she raised her arm, and the riding crop wrapped around it unfurled in response, landing in the wind and emitting a crisp sound.

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