122: Jiyang

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On her way to the martial arts arena, He Lisa was still thinking about what Lin Taehyung had said earlier.

The snake-patterned black jade in her hand felt as cold as water, clearing her mind even on this winter day. Stealing and doing such a sensational act as taking away Xiao Jungkook's jade while being drunk yesterday, it seemed that she really couldn't drink casually in the future.

Lost in her thoughts, He Lisa had already reached the edge of the martial arts arena.

In front of Xiao Jungkook, there was a person dressed in the black armor of the Nanfu soldiers, who was silent with his head down. As she got closer, she heard Xiao Jungkook coldly saying, "Is this the formation you arranged?"

This man was probably his deputy commander, the leader responsible for training the Nanfu soldiers. He looked tall and imposing, but in front of Xiao Jungkook, he appeared like a child who had made a mistake, keeping his head down and saying, "I know my mistake. Perhaps everyone is not accustomed to the snowy weather in Liangzhou..."

"Not accustomed?" Xiao Jungkook gave him a sidelong glance and asked in return, "Do you need me to teach you how to adapt?"

He Lisa clearly saw that the well-built man was frightened by this single sentence from Xiao Jungkook. He stammered, "I will take them to train properly!"

"Double the daily training," Xiao Jungkook said calmly, "if there is another time, there's no need to stay in Liangzhou anymore."

"Yes!" The man nodded quickly and left. He Lisa stretched her neck to look towards the martial arts arena, where this man, upon his departure, scolded several Nanfu soldiers who were standing in front of him thoroughly and then resumed the training of the military formation. She couldn't help but be amazed.

Xiao Jungkook's attitude towards the Nanfu soldiers and the recruits of Liangzhou Garrison was notably different. He rarely showed up in front of the Liangzhou Garrison recruits and maintained some distance. He even carried a degree of politeness towards Shen Han and the others. Only when dealing with the Nanfu soldiers did he truly exhibit his usual demeanor – casual and ruthless, like a commander who would scold people at the slightest provocation.

When she used to be Flying Phoenix General, did she also appear so annoying? He Lisa silently self-reflected in her heart.

While she was contemplating, Xiao Jungkook had turned around and, upon seeing her, froze for a moment. After a moment of silence, he impatiently asked, "What are you here for again?"

He Lisa forced a smile, extending her palm with a black jade resting on it, saying, "It seems that Commander dropped something at my place last night, so I brought it back specially."

"Dropped something?" Xiao Jungkook playfully savored her choice of words, bending over to peer into her eyes, tugging at the corners of his mouth with a smirk, and indifferently saying, "My obedient daughter is so considerate."

He Yan: "..."

Why does this guy hold grudges like this? Besides, even if she called him "Father," Xiao Jungkook was the one who gained an advantage, after all. Why did it sound like she had committed some unforgivable crime coming from his mouth?

He Lisa tried to maintain her composure and said, "Commander is quite humorous. This black jade looks quite precious. Commander, be sure not to lose it in the future and take good care of it." She picked up the jade and reached her hand towards Xiao Jungkook's waist.

Xiao Jungkook took a step back, looking wary. "What are you doing?"

"I'll help you fasten it," He Lisa said innocently. "Isn't this jade pendant supposed to be worn around your waist?"

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