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234: True and false

For an instant, the coolness soaked through the limbs, and He Rufei widened his eyes in amazement, staring at the woman in front of him. What came to my mind was the scene when I returned to Shuojing, Hefu, and saw "He Lisa" for the first time. At that time, He Lisa had already put on his daughter's costume. He stood in front of He Lisa, watching this woman who had lived under his name for many years called out to his eldest brother, and a subtle jealousy and resentment arose in his heart.

How can you not complain?

Obviously he is the real Young Master He, but he has been replaced for many years. If the past was forced by circumstances, when He Lisa left the He family and embarked on the road to join the army, his destiny had already broken away from everyone's control and rushed to a future that no one had anticipated.

He Rufei actually doesn't like martial arts, even if he comes back, his body is already healed. The He family has never had a general, but because of He Lisa's self-assertion, he must learn the same swordsmanship as He Lisa.

The same eating habits, the same life preferences, the same handwriting, the same martial arts...even the same temperament.

He and He Lisa each acted as a stand-in for each other. It felt so uncomfortable, and finally after he returned to Beijing, he reached the peak in the calm comparison of others.

So he proposed to blind He Lisa's eyes, a blind woman, from now on can only be tied to the back house, and can no longer get over the storm. He didn't have to worry that one day others would find that he was different from the original General Feihong, and how similar his cousin was to General Feihong.

However...Even if he was blind, He Lisa did not fall silent. He Lisa, who couldn't see the light, was just depressed for a while, and later, when He Rufei went to Xu's house, he saw He Lisa secretly practicing his sword.

A blind woman is practicing sword secretly.

She seemed to notice that someone was there, so she stopped her movements and asked tentatively: "But someone is here?"

He Rufei didn't speak, turned and walked out. After returning to He Mansion, he made up his mind that He Lisa couldn't stay.

He Lisa is alive. It is a threat to the He Family. He is also reminding himself anytime and anywhere that he is not General Feihong, and he will never be able to match General Feihong.

Until He Lisa died, He Rufei could finally relax.

His swordsmanship was imitated by He Lisa, but now, in the hands of this woman, it is as fragile as a child playing. And she looked at her sneer, and the sound of "big brother" made him get goose bumps.

Qing Lang, I don't know when he has fallen to the ground, He Lisa glanced at him, and smiled and stooped to pick it up. She looked at He Rufei who had been kicked and fell to the ground with a smile, and said with a smile:" Thank you Young Master He, Qing Langjian, it will be mine in the future."

With a sword in one hand, she turned and walked out of the square.

Everyone was stunned. This was definitely not something He Rufei could do without mercy. A merciful person would not be knocked to the ground by a woman in such an embarrassing manner.

The kneeling posture is a bit humiliating after all.

Yan Jin frowned and asked Xiao Jungkook: "Before He Lisa told me bad things about He Rufei. I thought it was to flatter me. Now it seems that she and He Rufei really have a good time. Do you know that? I know, what exactly did He Rufei offend her?" But before Xiao Jungkook could speak, he said again: "Forget it, I don't want to know."

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