121: Rewards

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"I've memorized it, Father,"

Xiao Jungkook couldn't believe what she heard. "What did you call me?"

He Lisa stared at him, her gaze extremely clear, and she earnestly recited, "The way of the Great Learning lies in manifesting one's bright virtue, loving the people, and stopping at the highest good. To know where to stop is to have stability; to be calm is to be able to deliberate; to be at ease is to be able to consider; to be consistent is to be able to develop virtue... Things have their roots and branches; affairs have their beginning and end... The pursuit of knowledge involves the investigation of things... It all begins with the cultivation of one's character... What is excessive should be diminished, and what is deficient should be augmented, and there will be nothing about which you are not on the right path!"

Lin Taehyung was initially taken aback but gradually understood. He pointed at He Lisa and asked Xiao Jungkook, "Is my little sister He... drunk?"

As soon as he finished speaking, He Lisa suddenly rushed over, threw herself into Xiao Jungkook's arms, hugged his waist, and almost pushed him back two steps. She buried her face in his chest and rubbed against it, saying with a stammer, "Dad, I've memorized it, I've made progress!"

The room fell into a deathly silence.

It's hard to describe Xiao Jungkook's current expression with just a few words.

Lin Taehyung covered his face, his shoulders shaking, unable to stop laughing.

"Wow, Jeongguk, I've met people who treated you as a husband, but it's the first time I've seen someone treat you as a father. How does it feel to be a dad? This little girl is too obedient! She's got a great talent for memorization!"

Perhaps encouraged by Lin Taehyung's comment about her "talent," He Lisa lifted her head from Xiao Jungkook's chest, her eyes shining as she stared at him. "Dad, I'm now the top-ranked in Liangzhou Garrison."

Xiao Jungkook grabbed her arm and tried to pull her hand away from his waist. "Let go."

"I won't!" He Lisa was surprisingly strong, perhaps from repeatedly tossing stone weights. Xiao Jungkook couldn't free himself from her grip. He Lisa looked up at him with her face tilted, saying, "Test me, I can answer anything."

She looked like a child who had just achieved first place and was proudly showing off.

Xiao Jungkook held his forehead. "First, let go."

"No." She hugged his waist even tighter, wanting to get as close as possible. Xiao Jungkook tried to back away, attempting to maintain some distance between their bodies, but his efforts were in vain.

Xiao Jungkook tried to pry He Lisa's hand off, but Lin Taehyung interjected, "Hey, I should mention that He Lisa is still recovering from an injury. If you force her, it might strain her wounds. She needs to be under recovery for another six months, and it's not ideal."

Xiao Jungkook's gaze was sharp, and he said, "Find a way to get her off me."

"Just let her hug for a while," Lin Taehyung enjoyed the spectacle. "Maybe you and He Lisa's dad look quite similar, that's why she mistook you for him when she got drunk. A young girl like her, traveling all the way to Liangzhou and not seeing her family for so long, surely she misses her dad. Can't you provide a little bit of that," he gestured a hug, "homey warmth? Don't be so stingy; it's not like you're losing out."

Xiao Jungkook was about to say something when the person in his arms buried her head in his chest and continued reciting the text in a muffled voice.

"A man who combines civil and martial skills is a general of the army. One who combines both firmness and gentleness is suitable for the affairs of war. When people evaluate a general, they often look at his courage. Courage in general accounts for only one part. The one with courage must be free from rashness; if he is rash, he will not be victorious. Therefore, what a general must be cautious of are five things: first, reason; second, preparation; third, decisiveness; fourth, military method; fifth, agreements. Reason means treating many as if they were few; preparation means being prepared when one leaves home as if one is about to encounter an enemy; decisiveness means confronting the enemy without thoughts of surviving; military method means that even after achieving victory, it is like beginning a new battle; agreements mean having laws and commands simplified without causing difficulties. Receiving orders without complaint and speaking after victory is the courtesy of a general. Therefore, when an army sets out, there is honor in dying and no disgrace in surviving."

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