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He lisa was sitting with sehun and bambam.

bambam stammered in agreement, "Yes, Brother Ah He, even if you become a cook, we'll still visit you often."

He lisa smiled but didn't say anything.

Seeing this, Hong mingyu became genuinely anxious. After spending these days with He lisa, he had developed an extraordinary affinity for the young boy. Compared to his own younger brother, who was pampered and sometimes hard to deal with, He lisa was much more sensible. He was exactly the kind of brother Hong mingyu had always wished for, and unconsciously, he had come to treat He lisa like a real brother.

However, if He lisa couldn't even draw the bow, then going to the battlefield in the future would be like going to one's death. How could Hong mingyu just watch his brother jump into the fire pit?

"Brother Shan, don't worry about me. I will be able to draw the bow tomorrow," He lisa reassured.

"Do you think you're a magical wordsmith, saying something will make it come true?" Hong mingyu said in frustration. "Why can't this child understand?"

Sehun, who had been silent all this time, asked after a moment of thought, "Do you have any tips or tricks?"

People all believe that General Fengyun is a born military genius, but in reality, it's not so miraculous. Moreover, because she is a woman, her physical strength is naturally weaker than that of men, which means she has poor aptitude. It took her many years to transform herself into the invincible general on the battlefield. But after being reborn, she was given such a weak body again.

Is this what they call "Heaven's will falls on the capable, who must work hard first*"? She didn't expect to be exceptionally outstanding, but it would be better if she could be reincarnated as a robust man like san."
* a Chinese idiom that means great achievements come from hard work and dedication

Things would be much easier then!

The new recruits were exhausted from a day's training, so they naturally slept soundly at night. The snores echoed one after another. He lisa estimated the time, and when everything was quiet, she quietly got up from the bed.

bambam turned over and murmured something, but He lisa didn't wake him. She moved gently and left the room.

Once outside, she headed straight to the martial arts training ground. The night training ground was empty, with the night wind blowing through the mountains. The flags fluttered in the wind, creating a melodious sound. Under the moonlight, the forest undulated like a green tide, spreading out a sea of moonlight.

The borderlands were mostly harsh and cold places, and the Liangzhou garrison were already considered a good place. She hadn't seen such scenery during her time leading troops, mostly encountering desolate landscapes. For a moment, her steps slowed down, as if reluctant to disturb the peaceful night.

During the day, most of the bows and crossbows had been put away, leaving only one or two that were not easy to move. The grass targets were knocked down and not yet set up. Tomorrow morning, after the morning run, the new recruits would tidy up the area. He lisa walked to the row of grass targets, searching for a while in the darkness until she found an arrow that had fallen nearby. She held the arrow and walked back to the crossbow.

Things that others could easily accomplish would take her more time. However, she couldn't avoid doing it; if she didn't try, she would be stuck like this her whole life.

He lisa put down the bow and rubbed her wrist.

After a while, she tried again. This time, it was just like before, only slightly pulled.

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