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95 - Ambushed

"Don't drink!"

Her voice, sharp as a sword and filled with a mournful tone, abruptly interrupted the cheerful atmosphere of the banquet.

The unexpected incident occurred at this very moment.

Standing beside Xiao Jungkook, Yingyue was holding a wine jug, having just poured wine. Before she could withdraw it, she transformed it into a dagger-like shape. Without hesitation, she thrust it toward Xiao Jungkook.

The young man remained calm, showing no sign of panic. With one swift motion, he flung his jade wine cup into the air. In mid-air, it collided with the dagger, shattering both the cup and the oncoming blade.

"Uncle!" cried out He Lisa. She saw the youth slam his hand on the table, and a long sword appeared in his grip. Surrounded by ten or so assailants, he sternly instructed her, "Stay back!"

As for Sun Xiangfu, he seemed to have been stunned by the sudden turn of events and cowered beneath a table. He still managed to shout, "Help! Someone, come quickly!"

However, He Lisa was focused on the guard behind Yuan Baozhen. She had initially suspected that this man, who belonged to He Rufei's camp, had ulterior motives for following Yuan Baozhen. But at that moment, consumed by anger and shock, she had only been concerned with the wine on the table and hadn't considered the possibility of an assassination.

To her amazement, the guard did not make a move.

Could it be that the assassins had nothing to do with him? He Lisa considered this possibility but then glanced back at Xiao Jungkook, who was now surrounded by attackers, and felt her anger swell.

The assassins were all women, appearing graceful and gentle at first glance, but their every move was deadly. Concealed in their sleeves were hidden darts and throwing knives, which were now unleashed toward Xiao Jungkook.

In the vast banquet hall, only Xiao Jungkook stood against this group of assassins. He Lisa had experience on the battlefield in her past life, and she had participated in martial arts competitions in this life, but she had never encountered such a covert and treacherous attack. Fueled by righteous indignation, she grabbed a small knife from the table and charged into the fray.

"Uncle, I'll help you!" she shouted.

He Lisa, in the middle of her sentence, suddenly realized that she was currently disguised as "Cheng Jimin," a useless young master in Shuo Jing who shouldn't know martial arts. She couldn't openly reveal her martial skills. With this in mind, she shouted, "Why are these people's sleeves so long? I can't even see you!" As she spoke, she grabbed the sleeve of a woman, swiftly drew a dagger, and cut the long sleeve, turning it into a short one.

In an instant, the long water sleeves were transformed into short sleeves, and using concealed weapons, made her actions more conspicuous. He Lisa continued to shout while maneuvering through the crowd. She moved gracefully, like an agile fish, slipping through the grasp of those who tried to catch her. The young man's screams and curses added a touch of absurdity to the scene.

Xiao Jungkook swiped away the woman's blade with his sword and turned to glance at her.

He Lisa kept shouting, "Help! Murder!" She used her palm to deflect a flying dart that came at her and kicked another woman in the face.

A faint twitch appeared at the corner of Xiao Jungkook's mouth.

The targets of these courtesans were originally Xiao Jungkook, and all their deadly techniques and hidden weapons were aimed at him. Suddenly, this young man appeared and disrupted their plans. Yingyue's face turned pale, her fingers clenched, and she angrily struck towards He Lisa's head. "How dare you!"

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