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"I said, the bun in your hand is mine," she said.

"I just want to take back what's mine."

The man looked at her. She appeared very weak, wearing the standard red military uniform that looked oversized on her small frame. Standing there, she looked like an undeveloped child.

"Mine?" The scar-faced man sneered and grabbed the bun, not waiting for He lisa to react. He quickly tossed it into his mouth. The small bun, already not very big, disappeared into his stomach as if a wild beast had found its prey and couldn't wait to devour it. After finishing it, he looked provocatively at He lisa and said with a wicked smile, "Yours? Who can vouch for that? What can you do about it?"

The food had already entered his stomachs, and there was no way for He lisa to cut open his stomach and grab the meat bun from inside. After the other person finished speaking, he looked very pleased as he watched He lisa's helpless expression. He walked forward with the bowl of porridge in his hand, neither too fast nor too slow.

"What can I do to you?" He lisa muttered to herself. In a moment, a faint smile appeared on her face. She turned around and took three or four steps towards the scar-faced man who was bending down to drink from his bowl of porridge. With a swift kick, she aimed at his bent knees. The man's legs went weak, almost causing him to kneel down, but he stumbled a few steps and managed to stay upright. However, the porridge in his hand spilled all over the ground, not a drop left. Seeing this scene, his anger flared, and he turned his head to see He lisa, grinding his teeth as he said, "You!"

"Me?" He lisa chuckled. "Can anyone testify to what I did? What can you do to me?"

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Just at this moment, a voice came from the side, and Hong mingyu and Sehun rushed over. bambam saw that He lisa had been talking to the scar-faced man for a long time without moving, and guessed that something might be wrong, so he brought his big brother and Hong mingyu over.

Hong mingyu and Sehun were not easy to bully, unlike He lisa's seemingly weak appearance. The scar-faced man didn't act recklessly. He just snorted coldly, glared at He lisa, and said, "You just wait!" Then he turned and left.

"What happened to you?" Hong mingyu asked, "What's going on?"

"He took my meat bun, so I poured his porridge. It's fair," He lisa said as simply as possible. Hong mingyu immediately understood after hearing this and sighed, "Ah, you and him, why are you causing trouble? You should have just endured it."

"Why should I endure it?" He lisa asked.

When she first joined the military, she often encountered such situations. In the military camp, there were often instances of the strong bullying the weak and taking advantage of those who were smaller and weaker. When she first entered the military camp, being robbed of food was a common occurrence. If it weren't for her comrades in the same tent who pitied her and shared their food with her, she might have starved to death.

The instructors in the military camp could prevent open conflicts, but they couldn't stop this kind of secret theft. Besides, she was too weak at that time. She was so weak that even the instructors couldn't be bothered to pay attention to her, let alone seek justice for her. It was only after she became stronger that no one dared to rob her of her food. Later on, when she became a general, she ordered her own troops that this kind of behavior, robbing others of their food and bullying the weak, must not be tolerated. Once discovered, it would be punished according to military law.

Who would have thought that after being reborn, she would encounter the exact same situation again? But this time, she was no longer the pitiful new soldier who had just entered the military, trembling with fear and unable to speak up when wronged. Even if Hong mingyu and Sehun hadn't appeared just now, she would have had more than enough confidence to teach this scar-faced man a lesson.

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