2x02 Britney/Brittany - Fractured and Attracted

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"Oh for god's sake, again?" Sue screamed into her megaphone just as the pyramid of teenage cheerleaders came toppling down, each one screaming as their bodies hit the uneven grass.

Of course, being the Sue that Sue was, she wouldn't allow her Cheerios to ever practice on mats that would help cushion their falls. Rather, she took quite the opposite approach.

She believed the rock-hard ground they relentlessly trained on for hours in the burning heat would either break the bones of the weak (literally) and strengthen the bones of the strong.

So being the two at the top of the wobbly pyramid, Julia and Quinn had quite the plummets as they hit the ground with a thud. Luckily Quinn had landed on another Cheerio to help cushion the fall (while likely killing the other girl), whereas Julia's tailbone ached as it painfully struck the grass.

Her wrist soon followed, the tiny sound of a crack filling her ears as her stomach dropped.

She groaned as she laid on the ground lifeless for a few long moments, hoping she hadn't broken her left wrist again. She had quite the freshman year experience when she broke both of her wrists and fractured her forearm bone.

"Get the hell out of my sight!" Sue shouted, indicating for the Cheerios to pack up their things and head home for the day.

Only to have to rise bright and early for practice the next morning.

The ones able to get up without assistance did so, heading for the parking lot, while the majority of the cheerleaders awaited a helping hand that would most certainly never arrive.

Luckily a tan pair of strong arms had come to the rescue of the pain-stricken Julia.

"God, I'm gonna need a lot more help than that," Julia growled in a deep voice to Santana's outstretched arms, her wrist suddenly in a lot more pain than the rest of her body.

Santana chuckled at her best friend, kneeling beside the girl who laid sprawled out across the grass.

"You okay there, Mendoza?"

"Just peachy."

Julia turned her head, the rest of her body still limp, her eyes meeting Santana's who wore yet another teasing smile on her flawless features.

Though it almost instantly disappeared when Santana seemed to spot something approaching them on the opposite side of Julia.

"The fuck are you doing here? Your assistance was never requested, string bean rat-face John Travolta," Santana spat, holding a now wrathful expression.

"Who was that?" Julia attempted to turn and look over, but her neck seemed to be in just as much pain as the rest of her body.

"Your precious dumbass, what's-his-name."

Julia managed to catch a glimpse of a fleeting figure dressed in football gear out of the corner of her eye.

"Dammit, Santana, he could've carried me to the car," Julia pouted, only interested in the boy who had just finished football practice for that reason.

"Hey, I can totally carry you," Santana defended herself, slightly offended that Julia thought she needed the assistance of some random boy they would likely both forget about by next week. "You weigh like two pounds."

"Yeah, okay," Julia sarcastically retorted, grunting as she attempted to heave herself upward.

Santana helped the girl by grabbing Julia by both of her upper arms, pulling her up until she sat up straight.

"Get on my back," Santana told Julia, positioning herself in front of Julia.

Julia's eyebrows drew together in a slightly confused fashion.

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