2x09 Special Education - Bisexuality?

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Tonight was the last football game before the glee club had to leave for sectionals and Layton had his heart set on impressing Julia as well as the rest of the school that would be there.

"Hey, good luck tonight," Julia said as the school day came to a close.

It would be the last time the pair would see each other until the game since Layton had to get his gear on and Beiste had to talk to the boys while Julia had to rehearse and perform the many backflips and split jumps that the Cheerios had perfected.

And she would be with Santana.

Layton hated the way her name rolled off the tongue.  He hated just the thought of her.  Layton made it his mission to get Julia staring at him rather than her in that awfully short Cheerios uniform.

He really hoped that Julia would be going home with him tonight rather than both of them going their separate ways.  And there was always the possibility of Santana taking her home, but that had never crossed Layton's mind.


The Cheerios cheered and enthusiastically jumped up and down as the football players came out of the tunnel and onto the field.

Julia made sure to cheer extra loud when Layton ran out of the tunnel and Layton made sure to send Julia his signature smile that would make every girl at the school's heart melt, yet it was nothing compared to Santana's smile.  At least that's what Julia thought.

Speaking of Satan, she crossed her arms and rolled her eyes at Layton's cheesy smile and Julia's excessive cheering.  Though she did have to admit, the freckled girl was pretty cute.

It wasn't long till the game started and Layton took his starting position on the field.  Before fastening his helmet on, he made sure to smile at Julia one last time.  Julia smiled back at her boyfriend and yelled out as she performed a split jump.

"Let's go, Titans!"

The game had kicked off and everything was going pretty smoothly. Layton made few decent catches which he definitely over celebrated for hoping he could get a smile and a giggle out of Julia.

While it did work at first, the boy's cockiness became way less appealing than the funny remarks and smiles Santana was sending Julia.  Layton looked over at the girl every time a play ended, and when he saw her joking around with the Latina, smoke practically erupted from his ears as his expression turned sour.

The boy's uncontrolled rage caused him to get way too many penalties and almost start a fight with a kid on the other team.  While the other girls at Mckinley would title Layton's "bad boy" presence as hot, Julia definitely wouldn't, something about the boy's attitude seeming off.

Julia thought Santana in her Cheerios uniform looked way hotter and she was caught staring by Santana way more than once causing her too look down and blush which Santana found the cutest thing in the world.

Why are Santana's legs so much hotter than Layton's abs?

This was a question the green-eyed girl was asking herself all night, finding no answer until she looked at the Latina's lips.

Those lips look really soft right now.

Julia completely zoned out, staring at the Latina as thoughts of Santana were the only thing on her mind.

Why do I fool around with her anyway? 

Julia already had Layton and there was no need for anybody else.

Oh, now I remember.  Cause her eyes are so pretty, and her lips are so kissable and her smile is literally the most charming thing I've ever see-holy shit I sound gay.  But I'm not gay.  I can't be gay, I like boys.  I'm totally in love with Layton.  I don't wear flannel, I don't dress like a boy, I don't drive around an SUV, and I definitely, DEFINITELY DO NOT have short hair.  I couldn't live with my hair being above my shoulders let alone a pixie cut!  But there's a word of when you like both, right?  Uh...bi, right?  Bisexual?  Something like that.  I'm going to have to google that when I get home.  Or at Santana's house.

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