2x18.5 The Cure - Confession

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A/N: Just to clarify, I'm not sure if any of the laws talked about in this chapter apply to the state of Ohio, this is just based off of a little research on the United States laws as a whole

After being called to the Principal's office right after first period, Julia knew she would be in for a treat.

She walked into the office to see Layton already there, sitting in a chair beside his father as Figgins sat at his desk, Mr. Schue and Sue standing next to him.  But what really surprised Julia were the two other people in the room.

The first being a police officer that stood by the door, catching Julia off guard.  The second being her mother.

Her mom sat across from Layton and his dad, her arms crossed as she stared the sophomore boy down, Layton's eyes fixed on his shoes.  Her parents were never the type to come to her school for any reason.

Julia stopped at the doorway, not really knowing what to do or say as her eyes glazed over everyone in the room.

"Finally, Ms. Mendoza, you may take a seat next to your mother," Figgins formally addressed the girl as all eyes in the room fell on her.

Julia promptly walked to the seat beside her mother, wanting to get all of the awkward attention off of her as quickly as possible.  To her surprise, her mother grabbed her hand.

Julianna was never one for sappy gestures with her daughter, let alone holding her hand.  But Julia couldn't deny it was more comforting than upsetting.

"Let's cut right to the chase, shall we?" Figgins asked, cueing the police officer to start speaking.

"Yes, of course.  First of all, my name is Officer Peter Landry and I work down at the Lima police department," the man said, Julia slightly surprised that his voice was more comforting than gruff like the other police officers she had seen before.  "And today I'm here to help...discuss claims made against your son, Mr. Hawkins."

"My son would never do this!  He's not capable of something like this!  He's such a swee-"

"Well, my daughter has bruises all over her face!" Julianna angrily interrupted Layton's father's shouting.

Julia was more than shocked that her mother had come to her rescue, never suspecting that her mother would defend her like that.

"If we could keep this calm and collected, that would be better for all of us," the officer intervened.

"Fine.  All I'm saying is that my daughter had a black eye and a bruise across her cheek, which she is still recovering from, and a broken phone to prove it!" Julia's mother said, the volume of her voice gradually increasing as she spoke.

"You can't prove that he did it!" Logan, Layton's father argued.

"Well, officer, I actually brought the phone," Julianna reached into her purse and pulled out Julia's shattered IPhone and holding it up for everyone to study it.  "And I believe everything my daughter says this boy did.  She has no reason to lie."

"She does!  She's just an attention-seeking-"

"Mr. Hawkins!  If you could just let Officer Landry continue," Figgins interrupted the angry man who simply scoffed and crossed his arms.

"Thank you.  Now what really matters here is your account of what happened, Julia.  If you could just tell me everything you remember, that would be great," the officer politely said with a half-smile.

"Uh, sure," Julia's voice shook just a bit, it being the first time she spoke up since she entered the room.  "So, uh, Layton just showed up at my front door without notice and I let him in of course.  We were in my room and I was just texting on my phone when all of a sudden he started screaming and yelling.  He knocked my phone out of my hand and then threw it against the wall and stepped on it.  He...he walked me backward so my back was against the wall and then he...he slapped me and was screaming at me and...and...he punched me in the eye.  He..." Julia trailed off as her voice trembled, the green-eyed girl staring down at her hands as she relived the moment.  "He wrapped his around m-my neck and...I thought he was gonna kill me...but he just crumpled up my poster and threw it at me...and walked out."

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