3x03 Asian F - Deja Vu

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A/N: Italics are flashbacks if you didn't know

"So...can you tell me where we're going yet?" Julia asked hopefully.

"Julia, you just got in the car," Santana said as she started up the engine and backed out of Julia's driveway.

"So is that a no?" Julia questioned.

"No," Santana replied, followed by a dramatic groan from Julia which made Santana shake her head and smile. "You're so impatient."

"I know, and that's one of the many, many amazing reasons you fell for me," Julia sarcastically remarked even though her statement was true in a way.

"Well I can't say that's a lie. I fell for every part of you," Santana lovingly replied as Julia let out a series of 'aww's.

"You're such a softie," Julia cooed, staring at Santana in all her beauty.

"I'm not a softie," Santana denied.

"Well you really sound like a softie right now," Julia teased with a smile, Santana glancing over at the freckled girl for a second and feeling happy and accomplished to see Julia beaming back at her.

"I'm a bitch...but I'm a softie just for you," Santana sighed, giving in to Julia's games.

"Don't worry, I'm a softie for you too," Julia adorably replied, Santana releasing the steering wheel with one hand to grab one of Julia's hands. "See, softie," Julia pointed out, raising their locked hands in the air as Santana chuckled.

After just a few more minutes of driving through the small town of Lima, Santana pulled over at the side of the road, Julia staring out at the sunset and forest of trees beside the road, trying to figure out where Santana would be taking her.

Suddenly, everything clicked, and Julia's eyes lit up.

"Are we going where I think we're going..." Julia trailed off, a smile creeping onto her face as Santana smirked at the girl before hopping out of the car, Julia following in suit.

"Come on," Santana smiled, extending her hand, which Julia gladly accepted, before venturing into the forest of trees.

The two pushed bast branches as leaves crunched underneath their feet, a great feeling of deja vu flooding their minds.

"Julia!" Santana shouted, letting out a groan before chasing after the freckled girl who had run into the woodland.

She hadn't known Julia for all too long, but she did know that the green-eyed girl was pretty careless and reckless, her ears always managing to be closed.  But no matter what, that gorgeous smile somehow ended up on her face.

After a day of being the crazy kids they were, the two Latinas managed to find themselves beside a rural road, a forest before them.  And Julia, being the crazy child she was, ran into the woods, despite warning from Santana.

Santana brushed off the leaves that had fallen onto her Cheerios uniform, blindly walking through the forest.

"Julia!" Santana called out again.  "Where are you?"

"Over here!" Julia shouted at the top of her lungs, Santana letting out a sigh of relief that she didn't lose the one person she actually cared about.

Santana quickened her pace, following Julia's voice all the way to the edge of the small forest.  She pushed past the last few branches before spotting the back of Julia's head.

"Julia," Santana breathed out, but quickly became speechless when she realized where the two were now standing.

Behind the forest and hidden from the road was a large grassy field decorated with dandelions and various other types of flowers.  Above the green field, the sky almost appeared brighter and clearer than anywhere else, the sun brightly shining down on the two Latinas.

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